Сирид дэлбэрэлт болж, 140 хүн амиа алджээ


Сирийн нийслэл Дамаск хотноо дэлбэрэлт болсны улмаас 140 хүн амиа алдсан талаар “CNN” агентлаг мэдээллээ.


Дамаск хотын өмнөд Зейнаб мужид террористууд тэсэлгээний бодис тэсэлсэн байна. Дэлбэрэлтийн улмаас 83 хүн амиа алджээ. Энэхүү халдлагаас хагас цагийн дараа Хомс хотноо тэсрэх бөмбөг суурилуулсан хоёр автомашин дэлбэрсний улмаас 57 хүн амиа алджээ. 


Эдгээр халдлагыг Иракийн хэт даврагч “Халифын вант улс” бүлэглэл үйлдсэн болохоо өөрийн твиттер хуудсаараа дамжуулан мэдэгдсэн байна.


Тус бүлэглэл “Сирийг эзлэх төлөвлөгөө бидэнд байна. Хэн ч биднийг зогсоож чадахгүй” гэж жиргэжээ.



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alex jackson:
Hello everyone my names are ALEX JACKSON from the UK, I want to use this golden medium to appreciate Doctor Abdul a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex lover when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now (6 months ago). He performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I received a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such a thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that wants to contact a spell caster should happily contact Doctor Abdul now on this email address.doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or message him through his Whatsapp +2348108728256
alex jackson:
Hello everyone my names are ALEX JACKSON from the UK, I want to use this golden medium to appreciate Doctor Abdul a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex lover when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now (6 months ago). He performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I received a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such a thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that wants to contact a spell caster should happily contact Doctor Abdul now on this email address.doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or message him through his Whatsapp +2348108728256
alex jackson:
Hello everyone my names are ALEX JACKSON from the UK, I want to use this golden medium to appreciate Doctor Abdul a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex lover when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now (6 months ago). He performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I received a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such a thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that wants to contact a spell caster should happily contact Doctor Abdul now on this email address.doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or message him through his Whatsapp +2348108728256