Манай тамирчин хятадын мастертай өрсөлдөнө

Монголын оюун ухааны академийн захирал Х.Хатанбаатар, мөн академийн тамирчин, ой тогтоолтын олон улсын их мастер Э.Энхмөнх нар БНХАУ-ын Нанжин хотод “The Brain” /“Super Brain” ч гэж нэрлэгддэг/ телевизийн шоу нэвтрүүлэгт оролцохоор тус улсын зорих гэж байна. 


Хятадын хамгийн олон үзэгчтэй телевизийн шоунд манай тамирчин тус улсын шилдэг тамирчинтай оюуны чадвар, ухааны бяр сорих нь ээ. Хятадын мастерууд олон орны шилдгүүдтэй хүний санаанд оромгүй даалгаврууд биелүүлэн өрсөлдөж, Герман, Англи, Америк зэрэг орны шилдгүүдийг ялж байжээ.


Гэрээний дагуу тэмцээний даалгаврыг гурван долоо хоногийн өмнө танилцулах ёстой байсан ч түүнийгээ дагалгүйгээр өнгөрөгч долоо хоногт танилцуулсан байна. Гэтэл өөр даалгавар гүйцэтгэх болсныг дуулгажээ. Манай тамирчин замдаа бэлтгэлээ сайн хангаад тэмцээндээ оролцохыг зорьж буй аж.


Тус шоуг гарсан оройд нь гэхэд 300 сая үздэг гэсэн статистик судалгаа байдаг аж. Тэгэхээр манай тамирчин энэхүү тэмцээнд оролцож, Хятадын мастертай өрсөлдөх гэж байгаа нь дэлхийд Монгол улс, хүн, соёлоо таниулж, мэдрүүлэх томоохон ажил болж байгаа юм.



Сонин хачин
Sandra Gomez:
I met and fell in love with a handsome man on an online dating site, but I was duped. I chose to look into him since he persisted in demanding money and other things, even though I couldn't see him. I was able to access his phone and all of his personal information from my home country because I contacted Redeemed Hacker-Pro, a hacking and digital asset recovery agency, to do a phone/system hack on his phone. Thanks to Redeemed Hacker Pro, I discovered after the hack that the handsome man I had met online was not who he claimed to be. You can also contact this agency through their hotline in any situation involving hacking and the recovery of lost money or cryptocurrency. Email: redeemed.h.p. @consultant.com Website: redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Keith Anderson:
I made a significant financial investment of $78,000 on a cryptocurrency investment platform, believing that I would receive a profitable return. Little did I realize that the platform was just scamming its investors of their money. I was devastated to learn about their questionable practices. I had to find a way out to recover my funds. At first, I was highly dubious about Software Specialist Agent Recovery Services. After reading a lot of reviews about him online and learning about his track record of successful recovering cryptocurrency from phony investment accounts, However, after doing a lot of research, I discovered that he provided dependable and trustworthy services. Software Specialist was able to retrieve my bitcoin in less than 48 hours after I got in touch with them and gave them all the details of my cryptocurrency transactions. I appreciate all his help and excellent service. If you require their services, the details of his contact information are provided below: Email: softwarespecialist@usa.com and WhatsApp No: +1 (646) 509-9630.
Evelyn Martinez:
I was a victim of a cryptocurrency investment scam and I lost 89,000 USD to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months ago, I was contacted by a forex trader to invest in his platform hoping I would make huge profits from my investments, this went on for some time and when it was time to withdraw my investments, I was logged out and I couldn’t access my Bitstockxchange account, I contacted them and they requested I pay 20% before I could access my wallet. I had invested all my retirement and life savings into this platform and was depressed for months until a friend of mine told me about Dark Web Online Hackers recovery company that can help me recover my money, I sent an email to Dark Web Online Hackers and they requested for some information, this company did a thorough investigation and was able to recover everything I lost, I’m truly grateful to Dark Web Online Hackers and I wish to recommend them to everyone who needs their services. Dark Web Online Hackers has a 100% recovery rate and has truly changed the lives of so many victims of cryptocurrency scams. You can reach them via Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com WhatsApp: +1 (803) 392-1735 Website : https://darkwebonlinehackers.com
Raph Ben:
ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY FOR CRYPTO RECOVERY SERVICES. I must express my heartfelt gratitude to ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY, a certified expert in Bitcoin Recovery Services and a private licensed investigator who helped me recover my scammed funds. My wife and I were duped by an online scammer who claimed to be professional and expert in the field of Crypto investments. I had invested our savings pounds totaling $623,400 in Crypto. After the con scammed us, I was left stranded and had to tirelessly look in search of a Crypto recovery Service to have my funds recovered. Ultimate Hacker Jerry was the expert I came across. After explaining my case to the expert, I only had to be patient and in a span of 72hrs all my funds were recovered back to my wallet.Thankyou Ultimate Hacker Jerry for your top notch services to have my funds recovered back. Contact info; Whatsapp (+1,5/20,2827,15,1) Mail address (Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz) Learn more; https://ultimatehackerjerr.wixsite.com/ultimatehacker
Wilder Newton:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. The Ultimate Hacker Jerry is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber - attacks. Contact info. Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz \ WhatsAp. ,+1 (520) 282-7151 Web www.ultimatehackerjerry.com When you require his service please say Wilder Newton referred you Local Guide; Since 2014
Wilder Newton:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. The Ultimate Hacker Jerry is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber - attacks. Contact info. Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz \ WhatsAp. ,+1 (520) 282-7151 Web www.ultimatehackerjerry.com When you require his service please say Wilder Newton referred you Local Guide; Since 2014
Wilder Newton:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. The Ultimate Hacker Jerry is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber - attacks. Contact info. Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz \ WhatsAp. ,+1 (520) 282-7151 Web www.ultimatehackerjerry.com When you require his service please say Wilder Newton referred you Local Guide; Since 2014
Wilder Newton:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. The Ultimate Hacker Jerry is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber - attacks. Contact info. Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz \ WhatsAp. ,+1 (520) 282-7151 Web www.ultimatehackerjerry.com When you require his service please say Wilder Newton referred you Local Guide; Since 2014
Huu mini tom amjilt husie! Chi chadnaa, hyatad hunii uhaanaas 1000 tai iluu baih bolno. Amjilt!
Урагшаа уухай уухай уухай
Энэ хэдэн хүүхдүүдийг манай төрийнхөн шагнаж урамшуулах хэрэгтэй байна. Монголоос өөр газар уралдаад түрүүлэхгүй морьдыг хэдэн саяар нь шагнаж урамшуулаад байж монгол хүүхдүүддээ УРАМ хайрлаач.
Энэ хэдэн хүүхдүүдийг манай төрийнхөн шагнаж урамшуулах хэрэгтэй байна. Монголоос өөр газар уралдаад түрүүлэхгүй морьдыг хэдэн саяар нь шагнаж урамшуулаад байж монгол хүүхдүүддээ УРАМ хайрлаач.