“Буянт-Ухаа 2”-т байр түрээслэх ахмадуудыг бүртгэж эхэллээ

Барилга хот байгуулалтын яамнаас баталсан журмын дагуу Улаанбаатар болон хөдөө орон нутагт төрийн өмчийн орон сууцыг иргэдэд түрээслэхээр болсон. ТОСК-иас түрээсийн орон сууцны нарийвчилсан журмыг батлаад байгаа бөгөөд Улаанбаатар хотод “Буянт-Ухаа 2" хороололд байр түрээслэх хүсэлтэй иргэдийн материалыг өнөөдрөөс эхлэн хүлээн авна. Бүртгэл 4 дүгээр сарын 01-ний өдрийг дуустал ТОСК дээр явагдана.



“Буянт-Ухаа 2" хороололд нийт 350 байрыг түрээсэлнэ. Харин байр түрээслэх иргэдийн тоо үүнээс хэд дахин илүү байгаа учраас сугалаа явуулж, түрээслэгчдийг тодруулах юм. 



Сонин хачин
Jollen Ryan:
Ladies and gentlemen. I highly recommend the service of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I have been in a financial mess for the past few months, I’m a single mother with kids to look after. I invested the sum of $357,800 in Bitcoin with a cryptocurrency company I met online. After a couple of weeks, my initial investment had increased from $203,800 to $579,850. This felt so good as the investment grew rapidly in just a few weeks. When it was time to withdraw, my withdrawal request was denied, all effort to make withdrawal declined, then I realized I had been ripped off. I came across Bobby Zion’s post on a blog where he talked about a hacker who helped him out called GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Thanks to GEO COORDINATES HACKER. For helping me out of my financial situation, I never believed because I have spent so much money on different hackers who did nothing other than running away with my money. I gave it a tryer, all I did was to follow the processing and be cooperative and today I am proud sharing the testimony of God-sent GEO COORDINATES HACKER. You can as well reach him through Email: geocoordinateshacker@proton.me. Or geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com I keep saying thank you Geo Coordinates Hacker.. And God bless you for everything.