Кубад ес хоногийн гашуудал зарлажээ


Куба улсын удирдагч асан Фидель Кастро энэ сарын 25-ны өдөр 90 насандаа таалал төгссөн билээ.


Тэгвэл өнөөгийн удирдагч Раул Кастро өчигдөр зарлиг буулгаж, орон даяар ес хоногийн хугацаатай гашуудал зарласан талаар “Ройтерс” агентлаг мэдээллээ.


Мөн нийслэл Гавана хотноо байрлах парламентын ордны дээр байрлах Кубын төрийн далбааг хагас бөхийлгөсөн байна.


Гашуудал зарласан өдрүүдэд телевизийн сувгууд энтертаймент нэвтрүүлгээсээ татгалзаж, олон нийтийг хамарсан цуглаан,  үдэшлэг зохион байгуулахыг хоригложээ.



Сонин хачин
kate peterson:
My first time meeting with a Psychic medium and I have to say, it's really worth it. It had been 6 months since my husband left me without saying anything.All thanks to Dr IBOZUA I was able to connect with my husband again with his powerful reunion love spell and now he loves me more than he used to. Eternally grateful to The Great Dr IBOZUA! I highly recommend, His contact details dr.ibozuasolutioncenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp/call him now +2348109374702
Lilian Ken:
Most people get into a marriage with high and full spirits. They know full well what they are getting into and accept this with an open heart. While you may say that there is a lot of hype in marriages especially on the days leading up to the wedding day, it can get a bit frustrating to have a misunderstanding in your relationship. I have been through hell with my husband for a very long time. With the help of the great spell caster, I was able to resolve my marriage issue and now I finally find happiness in my marriage. For anyone going through any kind of relationship issue or you like to get back with your ex, I will suggest getting in touch with the best relationship advice specialist that will bring happiness back into your home. You can get in touch with The Great Dr.Jumba relationship and affair advisor on WhatsApp: +27651108524 or wiccalovespelltools@gmail.com . He is always ready to help people and bring back happiness into your life. Website : https://drjumbaspellhome.wordpress.com Lilian K.