COVID-19: Хонконгт вакцин тариулсны дараа хоёр хүн нас баржээ

Хонконгт коронавирусээс сэргийлэх вакцин тариулсны дараа хоёр хүн нас барсан талаар хотын Эрүүл мэндийн газраас мэдээлжээ. Нас барсан хоёр хүн хоёулаа архаг хууч өвчинтэй байсан гэдгийг онцолсон байна. 


Тодруулбал, Каритас эмнэлэгт эмчлүүлж байсан 80 настай эр вакцин тариулсны дараа ходоодны ишеми өвчний улмаас нас барсан бол өөр нэг 67 настай иргэн мөн л эмнэлэгт нас баржээ. Түүнчлэн 63 настай нэг өвчтөн коронавирусийн вакцин тариулсны дараах гаж нөлөө хүндэрсэн байж болзошгүй гэсэн шалтгаанаар эмнэлэгт хүргэгджээ. 


Энд дуулгахад, Хонконгт вакцинжуулалтын хөтөлбөр хоёрдугаар сарын 26-ны өдөр албан ёсоор эхэлсэн юм. Гуравдугаар сарын 13-ны өдрийн байдлаар энэ хотод 177 мянган хүн вакцинд хамрагдсанаас 149 мянга нь Хятадын Синовак вакцин, 27800 нь Пфайзер-Бионтеч компанийн боловсруулсан Комирнэти вакцин тариулжээ.


Сонин хачин
Thomas Gibson:
I want to use this opportunity to tell the whole world on how I become rich and famous. I’m 93 years old. I was passing through difficulty in business and there was no hope of me coming out of my debt. I borrow money in my bank to do my business and I run at lost on the business I got frustrated and decided to be playing lottery to see if I can win and make my business grow and I have played for years now nothing good is coming my way on till I meet someone online talking about Dr Ayoola on the internet. He was taking about how this Dr Ayoola help him to win mega million lottery game. I said to myself if this is true and decide to contact him and told him to help me as well I later read more about this man and see how he has been helping people all over the world. I have faith in him and choose to work with him. After working with him he told me what I need to do for the number to be given to me which I did after he finish working he said I will have a dream and the number will be review to me in the dream. That night has I was sleeping I dream a number immediately he call me and gave me the same number I dream of and ask me to go and play the number. Today I’m here testifying of the good work he did for me I played the number and I won the sum of 1, 000,000 million dollars in a lotto max. You can contact Dr Ayoola for help if you want to win big in lottery game he has the gift of giving right number contact him today and thank me email him today Via email: drayoolasolutionhome@gmail. com or text or call +14809032128
Ходоодны ишeми гэж юу байдаг юм? Зүрхний ишeми буюу хэм алдалт гэж байдаг. Бичиж бгаа хүн хариуцлагатай баймаар юм.