Ц.Бямбажаргал: Далай лам нас барсан гэх мэдээлэл ХУДАЛ



Олон нийтийн цахим сүлжээнд “Бурхны шашны тэргүүн Арвандөрөвдүгээр дүрийн Дээрхийн гэгээнтэн Далай лам  Данзанжамц тэнгэрт дэвшжээ” гэх мэдээлэл цацагдсан.


Энэ талаар Гандантэгчинлэн хийдийн Олон нийттэй харилцах албаны лам Ц.Бямбажаргалаас тодрууллаа.



Тэрбээр, Далай лам нас барсан гэх мэдээлэл худлаа. Ийм мэдээлэл  цацахгүй байхыг хүсье” гэв.


Энд дуулгахад тэрбээр, 1935 онд төрсөн бөгөөд энэ жил 86 настай бөгөөд Энэтхэгт амьдраад олон жил болж байгаа юм. 



Сонин хачин
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
БҮГДЭЭРЭЭ САЙН УУ!!!!! Бид олон нийтэд мэдээлэхийг хүсч байна; Та бөөрийг худалдахыг хүсч байна уу? Та санхүүгийн хямралын улмаас бөөрийг зарж борлуулах боломжийг эрэлхийлж байна уу, юу хийхээ мэдэхгүй байна уу? Дараа нь бидэнтэй холбоо бариад DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар бид танд бөөрнийх нь хэмжээгээр санал болгох болно. Яагаад гэвэл манай эмнэлэгт бөөрний дутагдалд орж, 91424323800802. имэйл: DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM Yнэ: $780, 000 (Долоон зуун, Наян мянган доллар)
БҮГДЭЭРЭЭ САЙН УУ!!!!! Бид олон нийтэд мэдээлэхийг хүсч байна; Та бөөрийг худалдахыг хүсч байна уу? Та санхүүгийн хямралын улмаас бөөрийг зарж борлуулах боломжийг эрэлхийлж байна уу, юу хийхээ мэдэхгүй байна уу? Дараа нь бидэнтэй холбоо бариад DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар бид танд бөөрнийх нь хэмжээгээр санал болгох болно. Яагаад гэвэл манай эмнэлэгт бөөрний дутагдалд орж, 91424323800802. имэйл: DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM Yнэ: $780, 000 (Долоон зуун, Наян мянган доллар)
Ингэх нь хэнд хэрэгтэй байсан юм бол Муусайн Хятадуудын хийж буй тэнэг ажил ажил Багш маань эруул саруул урт удаан га лах бо наслах больугай
Dalai ah GG boloogui baijee
Амьд сэрүүн байгаад баяртай байна. Улам урт удаан наслах болтугай. Худал мэдээ тарааж биднийг төөрөгдүүлж байгаа хүнд харамсаж байна.
Baliar Andlaliin hushuunii hed l iim uym taraaj anhaarliig uur tiish handuulah gee uym bailgui
Худал мэдээ таарагчдад арга хэмжээ аваач ээ. Ард олоны оюун санаанд түр болох нээ цочирол өгч магадгүй юм.