Зогсож байсан ачааны машины араас мөргөж, хоёр хүн нас баржээ

Замын хажууд зогсож байсан ачааны машины араас мөргөж, хоёр хүн нас барсан осол Завхан аймгийн Нөмрөг суманд гарчээ. 



Тодруулбал,  Нөмрөг сумын Нуур багийн “Нүхэн хад” гэдэг газар Увс аймгийн Улаангом сумаас Улаанбаатар хотын чиглэлд зорчиж явсан суудлын автомашин автозамын зорчих хэсэгт зогсож байсан ачааны автомашины хойд талаас мөргөсөн байна. Ослын улмаас суудлын автомашины бүхээгт 2 хүн хавчуулагдаж нас баржээ.


Ослын газар аймгийн Онцгой байдлын газрын Сонгино сум дахь Эрэн хайх, аврах бүлгийн алба хаагчдыг очиход “Приус-20” загварын суудлын автомашин, “Титан” загварын ачааны автомашины хойд талаас мөргөж, суудлын автомашины бүхээг дотор хавчуулагдаж нас барсан иргэн 29 настай эрэгтэй Т,  17 настай эрэгтэй Б нарын цогцсыг гаргаж, Тосонцэнгэл сум дахь сум дундын Цагдаагийн хэлтсийн мөрдөгчид шилжүүлэн өгчээ.



Сонин хачин
rosita bennett:
EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL TO GET EX HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND OR EX WIFE/GIRLFRIEND THAT WORKS WITHIN 24 HOURS. CONTACT PRIEST EKAN +2347053059918 My name is Rosita Bennett .I want to give thanks to PRIEST EKAN for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that PRIEST EKAN is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person,It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he broke up with me again . I was confused and did not know what to do again, rather I got in contact with PRIEST EKAN. He did a love spell that made my husband come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. PRIEST EKAN makes him realize how much we love and need each other .This man is for REAL and for good . He can also help you to fix your broken relationship/marriage. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counseling, and we’re doing very, very well , in our love life . contact email:( priestekanspellhome@gmail.com ) WhatsApp: +2347053059918
stephanie jane:
A POWERFUL SPELL TO HELP YOU GET YOUR EX LOVER BACK NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU BROKE UP OR WHOM HE/SHE MAY BE WITH NOW DR BOB WILL HELP YOU GET THEM BACK CONTACT DR. BOB VIA WHATSAPP : ( +2349153314547 ) EMAIL: foreverspellcast49@gmail.com Hello am STEPHANIE JANE from the united state, i read some testimony about Dr Bob on how he has helped people in bringing back there ex within 48hours i was just thinking if that was real, And decided to call a lady who made a testimony and also dropped her number, So i called her and ask her about Dr Bob she said Dr Bob is a trustworthy man and he his ready to bring back my lover for me, i was just so happy and a little bit relief that my lover will be back to me soon, Then i decided in contacting Dr Bob which i did, And before i could share him my problem he has already told me what i came for, And he said everything will be okay within 48hours that my lover will be back to my arms, So he said he would be casting the spell and that within 48hours my lover would call me, So i hoped so truly before the 48hours i got a call from a man who has left me for the past 1years saying he is sorry and he wants me back, i was happy and i said i also want him back, Then i traveled to Canada to meet him up, And he apologized for what he has done to me now he proposed to marry me and we are both preparing for our wedding soon, All thanks to the great and World best spell caster. WhatsApp him directly :+2349153314547 https://www.bark.com/en/us/company/dr-bob-forever-love-spell-cast-2023/b12Yk/?show_reviews=true https://www.facebook.com/drbobsupernaturalspelltemple/ WEBSITE: https://drbobsupernaturals.wixsite.com/my-site-1/home-1
stephanie jane:
A POWERFUL SPELL TO HELP YOU GET YOUR EX LOVER BACK NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU BROKE UP OR WHOM HE/SHE MAY BE WITH NOW DR BOB WILL HELP YOU GET THEM BACK CONTACT DR. BOB VIA WHATSAPP : ( +2349153314547 ) EMAIL: foreverspellcast49@gmail.com Hello am STEPHANIE JANE from the united state, i read some testimony about Dr Bob on how he has helped people in bringing back there ex within 48hours i was just thinking if that was real, And decided to call a lady who made a testimony and also dropped her number, So i called her and ask her about Dr Bob she said Dr Bob is a trustworthy man and he his ready to bring back my lover for me, i was just so happy and a little bit relief that my lover will be back to me soon, Then i decided in contacting Dr Bob which i did, And before i could share him my problem he has already told me what i came for, And he said everything will be okay within 48hours that my lover will be back to my arms, So he said he would be casting the spell and that within 48hours my lover would call me, So i hoped so truly before the 48hours i got a call from a man who has left me for the past 1years saying he is sorry and he wants me back, i was happy and i said i also want him back, Then i traveled to Canada to meet him up, And he apologized for what he has done to me now he proposed to marry me and we are both preparing for our wedding soon, All thanks to the great and World best spell caster. WhatsApp him directly :+2349153314547 https://www.bark.com/en/us/company/dr-bob-forever-love-spell-cast-2023/b12Yk/?show_reviews=true https://www.facebook.com/drbobsupernaturalspelltemple/ WEBSITE: https://drbobsupernaturals.wixsite.com/my-site-1/home-1
stephanie jane:
A POWERFUL SPELL TO HELP YOU GET YOUR EX LOVER BACK NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU BROKE UP OR WHOM HE/SHE MAY BE WITH NOW DR BOB WILL HELP YOU GET THEM BACK CONTACT DR. BOB VIA WHATSAPP : ( +2349153314547 ) EMAIL: foreverspellcast49@gmail.com Hello am STEPHANIE JANE from the united state, i read some testimony about Dr Bob on how he has helped people in bringing back there ex within 48hours i was just thinking if that was real, And decided to call a lady who made a testimony and also dropped her number, So i called her and ask her about Dr Bob she said Dr Bob is a trustworthy man and he his ready to bring back my lover for me, i was just so happy and a little bit relief that my lover will be back to me soon, Then i decided in contacting Dr Bob which i did, And before i could share him my problem he has already told me what i came for, And he said everything will be okay within 48hours that my lover will be back to my arms, So he said he would be casting the spell and that within 48hours my lover would call me, So i hoped so truly before the 48hours i got a call from a man who has left me for the past 1years saying he is sorry and he wants me back, i was happy and i said i also want him back, Then i traveled to Canada to meet him up, And he apologized for what he has done to me now he proposed to marry me and we are both preparing for our wedding soon, All thanks to the great and World best spell caster. WhatsApp him directly :+2349153314547 https://www.bark.com/en/us/company/dr-bob-forever-love-spell-cast-2023/b12Yk/?show_reviews=true https://www.facebook.com/drbobsupernaturalspelltemple/ WEBSITE: https://drbobsupernaturals.wixsite.com/my-site-1/home-1
Ер нь орон нутагт шөнө ачааны машинууд ослын гурвалжин битгий хэл цацруулагчгүй яг зам дээр зогсож байдаг. Ийм машинууд их гай болж олон хүний эрдэнэт амь үрэгдэж байгаа. Аймгуудын Автыхан ажилаа яаж хийдэг юм бол???????? Хэн тэд нар дээр хяналт тавьдаг юм бол?????
Машин замаас гарч зогсох тусгай зогсоол хийгээгүй нь гай.тендэрийн цавчаа хийгээд төсөвийг нь идээд дутуу юм хийдэгээс болж байгаа юм.
Үзэгдэх орчин хязгаарлагдсан газар хурдаа хасаж болгоомжтой явах ёстой. Замын зорчих хэсгийг чөлөөлж зогсдоггүй юм аа гэхэд аваараа асаах ослын гурвалжин тэмдэгээ тавсан байх ёстой. Мөн машины арын цацруулагч байсан болов уу даа ?????????????????????
Аваараа асааж зогсдоггүй яасан мал вэ. Шөнө гэрлийн гялбаанд харагдахгүй тал бий. Ачааны машинууд замын зорчих хэсэгт зогсохоо бараг больчиоод байхад даа. Ийм осол өмнө үед маш их гардаг байсан.