Зеленский: Украин Оросын нутагт барууны зэвсэг ашиглахгүй

Украин улс Барууны орнуудаас алсын тусгалт зэвсэг авбал үүнийгээ Оросын нутагт цохилт өгөх зорилгоор ашиглахгүй гэж Украины Ерөнхийлөгч Владимир Зеленский CNN агентлагт өгсөн ярилцлагынхаа үеэр мэдэгджээ. Түүнчлэн Киев "Оросын нутгийг сонирхоогүй" хэмээн онцлохын зэрэгцээ 1991 оны үеийн хилээр Украины нутаг дэвсгэрийг тооцно хэмээн цохон тэмдэглэсэн байна. 


"Днеприйн нөгөө эргээс ирж буй довтолгоонд хариу өгөх зэвсэг бидэнд байхгүй. Тиймээс алсын тусгалт зэвсэг шаардлагатай гэдгийг би онцолж байгаа юм. Бид ийм зэвсгээр оросуудыг аль болох хол ухрааж чадвал тэд дахин бидэнд заналхийлэхгүй" хэмээн Зеленский мэдэгдсэн байна. 


Энэ ярилцлагын үеэр сөргөлдөөнийг энхийн замаар шийдэх боломжтой эсэх талаар хөндөгдөхөд гагцхүү Украины нутгийг Оросын цэргүүд орхисон нөхцөлд л дипломат байдлаар сөргөлдөөнийг шийдэх боломжтой гэж Зеленский мэдэгджээ. 


"Үүний дараа л бид түншүүдийн хамтаар зохих форматыг олно" хэмээн Зеленский мэдэгдсэн байна. Мөн Путинтэй хэлэлцээ хийхээс татгалзаж байгаагаа дахин илэрхийлээд, үүнийгээ түүнд итгэхгүй байгаатай холбоотой хэмээн тайлбарлажээ.


Энд дуулгахад, 2022 оны зургаадугаар сард л Зеленский мэдэгдэл хийхдээ Украин улс Оросын нутаг руу довтлох төлөвлөгөөгүй хэмээн мэдэгдэж байлаа. Мөн Зеленскийн зөвлөх Михаил Подоляк Америкийн шуурган галын тийрэлтэт системийг Оросын эсрэг ашиглах төлөвлөгөөгүй хэмээн онцолж байв. 



Сонин хачин
Оросын нутагруу террорист халдлага их хийж гай тарьж байна, зеленский хүн л юм бол ард түмнээ бодож Минскийн гэрээ зөрчсөнөө хүлээж хэлэлцээр хийвэл дээр байх гэж бодогддог юм,
aly alin boliosoi
My name Sonia is i live in United State My husbands left me Last Year November 2022 because i found out he was cheating on me with this other lady and i confronted him, he told me he was no longer in love with me anymore,he move out of the house and move in with this other other lady, we have two beautiful kids together a boy and a girl , the boy name is James and the girl name is Alisson , they cried and i was so devastated . I also could not bear the pain anymore of losing the one person I love so much that I have build my entire life with, he was my everything and the love of my life and I still love him. there was a day i was searching through the internet i came i across a testimony of a lady who had similar issue with mine so i listen to the article it was so emotional and I was move , going through her article i found the Email and the number of the person who help get her bring her husband back, so i contacted the Doctor is name Dr Mahlangu i explain to him and he told me what he require of me and i did it within 24 hours my Husband call me asking for me to forgive him that he was sorry and i accepted him back today we are back together as a family with love and happiness, I am happy the kids are happy and we are a big family again . Thank you Dr Mahlangu keep helping people around the world , if you have problem with your love life contact Dr Mahlangu Call / whatsapp +27787390989 Email: drmahlanguhome@gmail.com website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/
My name Sonia is i live in United State My husbands left me Last Year November 2022 because i found out he was cheating on me with this other lady and i confronted him, he told me he was no longer in love with me anymore,he move out of the house and move in with this other other lady, we have two beautiful kids together a boy and a girl , the boy name is James and the girl name is Alisson , they cried and i was so devastated . I also could not bear the pain anymore of losing the one person I love so much that I have build my entire life with, he was my everything and the love of my life and I still love him. there was a day i was searching through the internet i came i across a testimony of a lady who had similar issue with mine so i listen to the article it was so emotional and I was move , going through her article i found the Email and the number of the person who help get her bring her husband back, so i contacted the Doctor is name Dr Mahlangu i explain to him and he told me what he require of me and i did it within 24 hours my Husband call me asking for me to forgive him that he was sorry and i accepted him back today we are back together as a family with love and happiness, I am happy the kids are happy and we are a big family again . Thank you Dr Mahlangu keep helping people around the world , if you have problem with your love life contact Dr Mahlangu Call / whatsapp +27787390989 Email: drmahlanguhome@gmail.com website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/
My name Sonia is i live in United State My husbands left me Last Year November 2022 because i found out he was cheating on me with this other lady and i confronted him, he told me he was no longer in love with me anymore,he move out of the house and move in with this other other lady, we have two beautiful kids together a boy and a girl , the boy name is James and the girl name is Alisson , they cried and i was so devastated . I also could not bear the pain anymore of losing the one person I love so much that I have build my entire life with, he was my everything and the love of my life and I still love him. there was a day i was searching through the internet i came i across a testimony of a lady who had similar issue with mine so i listen to the article it was so emotional and I was move , going through her article i found the Email and the number of the person who help get her bring her husband back, so i contacted the Doctor is name Dr Mahlangu i explain to him and he told me what he require of me and i did it within 24 hours my Husband call me asking for me to forgive him that he was sorry and i accepted him back today we are back together as a family with love and happiness, I am happy the kids are happy and we are a big family again . Thank you Dr Mahlangu keep helping people around the world , if you have problem with your love life contact Dr Mahlangu Call / whatsapp +27787390989 Email: drmahlanguhome@gmail.com website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/
My name Sonia is i live in United State My husbands left me Last Year November 2022 because i found out he was cheating on me with this other lady and i confronted him, he told me he was no longer in love with me anymore,he move out of the house and move in with this other other lady, we have two beautiful kids together a boy and a girl , the boy name is James and the girl name is Alisson , they cried and i was so devastated . I also could not bear the pain anymore of losing the one person I love so much that I have build my entire life with, he was my everything and the love of my life and I still love him. there was a day i was searching through the internet i came i across a testimony of a lady who had similar issue with mine so i listen to the article it was so emotional and I was move , going through her article i found the Email and the number of the person who help get her bring her husband back, so i contacted the Doctor is name Dr Mahlangu i explain to him and he told me what he require of me and i did it within 24 hours my Husband call me asking for me to forgive him that he was sorry and i accepted him back today we are back together as a family with love and happiness, I am happy the kids are happy and we are a big family again . Thank you Dr Mahlangu keep helping people around the world , if you have problem with your love life contact Dr Mahlangu Call / whatsapp +27787390989 Email: drmahlanguhome@gmail.com website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/
My name Sonia is i live in United State My husbands left me Last Year November 2022 because i found out he was cheating on me with this other lady and i confronted him, he told me he was no longer in love with me anymore,he move out of the house and move in with this other other lady, we have two beautiful kids together a boy and a girl , the boy name is James and the girl name is Alisson , they cried and i was so devastated . I also could not bear the pain anymore of losing the one person I love so much that I have build my entire life with, he was my everything and the love of my life and I still love him. there was a day i was searching through the internet i came i across a testimony of a lady who had similar issue with mine so i listen to the article it was so emotional and I was move , going through her article i found the Email and the number of the person who help get her bring her husband back, so i contacted the Doctor is name Dr Mahlangu i explain to him and he told me what he require of me and i did it within 24 hours my Husband call me asking for me to forgive him that he was sorry and i accepted him back today we are back together as a family with love and happiness, I am happy the kids are happy and we are a big family again . Thank you Dr Mahlangu keep helping people around the world , if you have problem with your love life contact Dr Mahlangu Call / whatsapp +27787390989 Email: drmahlanguhome@gmail.com website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/
My name Sonia is i live in United State My husbands left me Last Year November 2022 because i found out he was cheating on me with this other lady and i confronted him, he told me he was no longer in love with me anymore,he move out of the house and move in with this other other lady, we have two beautiful kids together a boy and a girl , the boy name is James and the girl name is Alisson , they cried and i was so devastated . I also could not bear the pain anymore of losing the one person I love so much that I have build my entire life with, he was my everything and the love of my life and I still love him. there was a day i was searching through the internet i came i across a testimony of a lady who had similar issue with mine so i listen to the article it was so emotional and I was move , going through her article i found the Email and the number of the person who help get her bring her husband back, so i contacted the Doctor is name Dr Mahlangu i explain to him and he told me what he require of me and i did it within 24 hours my Husband call me asking for me to forgive him that he was sorry and i accepted him back today we are back together as a family with love and happiness, I am happy the kids are happy and we are a big family again . Thank you Dr Mahlangu keep helping people around the world , if you have problem with your love life contact Dr Mahlangu Call / whatsapp +27787390989 Email: drmahlanguhome@gmail.com website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/
Горбачев украйнаа тусгаар тогтнуулж украйнаа тусгаар улс болгох гэж ссср г муулсан байгаад задалсан.эдийн засаг нийгмийг нь унагааж өшөөгөө авсан Ардчилсан нам хэнийхээ өшөөг авах гэж монголыг унагаав?
Go away stupid fuck
Хариутай бол бариутай:
Кремльд нэг дрон унагачихаач
I lost my marriage and beautiful home wrecked by unhappiness seeing my wife walk away over the lies she was fed with and insecurities which were never true. I vowed from the beginning never to be a cheat and stood my ground to ensure I built a happy home but unfortunately she never trusted me enough. I wandered for months trying to get her back and sought help from various sources including her family intervention but never yielded success. I came in contact with Dr Mahlangu who I doubted at the earlier stage when i got in contact with. I had to keep hope alive and complied with the procedures just the way he explained everything to me. He assured me of her return which happened after 24 hours and i am yet to find words to express how happy and appreciative i am, knowing my son and his mom are back home to him. I am telling everyone about Dr MAHLANGU and his kind heart helping people. website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/ drmahlanguhome @ gmail. com
I lost my marriage and beautiful home wrecked by unhappiness seeing my wife walk away over the lies she was fed with and insecurities which were never true. I vowed from the beginning never to be a cheat and stood my ground to ensure I built a happy home but unfortunately she never trusted me enough. I wandered for months trying to get her back and sought help from various sources including her family intervention but never yielded success. I came in contact with Dr Mahlangu who I doubted at the earlier stage when i got in contact with. I had to keep hope alive and complied with the procedures just the way he explained everything to me. He assured me of her return which happened after 24 hours and i am yet to find words to express how happy and appreciative i am, knowing my son and his mom are back home to him. I am telling everyone about Dr MAHLANGU and his kind heart helping people. website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/ drmahlanguhome @ gmail. com
Go away stupid fuck
I lost my marriage and beautiful home wrecked by unhappiness seeing my wife walk away over the lies she was fed with and insecurities which were never true. I vowed from the beginning never to be a cheat and stood my ground to ensure I built a happy home but unfortunately she never trusted me enough. I wandered for months trying to get her back and sought help from various sources including her family intervention but never yielded success. I came in contact with Dr Mahlangu who I doubted at the earlier stage when i got in contact with. I had to keep hope alive and complied with the procedures just the way he explained everything to me. He assured me of her return which happened after 24 hours and i am yet to find words to express how happy and appreciative i am, knowing my son and his mom are back home to him. I am telling everyone about Dr MAHLANGU and his kind heart helping people. website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/ drmahlanguhome @ gmail. com
I lost my marriage and beautiful home wrecked by unhappiness seeing my wife walk away over the lies she was fed with and insecurities which were never true. I vowed from the beginning never to be a cheat and stood my ground to ensure I built a happy home but unfortunately she never trusted me enough. I wandered for months trying to get her back and sought help from various sources including her family intervention but never yielded success. I came in contact with Dr Mahlangu who I doubted at the earlier stage when i got in contact with. I had to keep hope alive and complied with the procedures just the way he explained everything to me. He assured me of her return which happened after 24 hours and i am yet to find words to express how happy and appreciative i am, knowing my son and his mom are back home to him. I am telling everyone about Dr MAHLANGU and his kind heart helping people. website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/ drmahlanguhome @ gmail. com
I lost my marriage and beautiful home wrecked by unhappiness seeing my wife walk away over the lies she was fed with and insecurities which were never true. I vowed from the beginning never to be a cheat and stood my ground to ensure I built a happy home but unfortunately she never trusted me enough. I wandered for months trying to get her back and sought help from various sources including her family intervention but never yielded success. I came in contact with Dr Mahlangu who I doubted at the earlier stage when i got in contact with. I had to keep hope alive and complied with the procedures just the way he explained everything to me. He assured me of her return which happened after 24 hours and i am yet to find words to express how happy and appreciative i am, knowing my son and his mom are back home to him. I am telling everyone about Dr MAHLANGU and his kind heart helping people. website :https://www.drmahlangu-home.com/ drmahlanguhome @ gmail. com
Одоо бол Оросын эсрэг Америкын болон арууны зэвсгийг ашиглаж Москваг эзлэх хэрэгтэй!
Украйн ялна,
Лавров гээч амьтан Бид Украинд халдаагүй гэж ичих ч үгүй хэлдэг юм билээ, сонссон хүмүүс нь инээж шоолоод. Манай хуяа-оркууд бас тэгж итгэдэг юм шиг байгаа юм