БНХАУ-д гэрийн тэжээвэр амьтдыг тусгаарлах төв байгуулжээ

Хятадын өмнөд хэсэгт гэрийн тэжээвэр амьтдын тусгаарлалтын төв байгуулагджээ. Энэ талаар South Chine Morning Post сонин мэдээлсэн байна. 


Эх сурвалжийн мэдээлснээр гэрийн тэжээвэр амьтдын тусгаарлалтын төвийг Гуанжоу хотод байгуулсан бөгөөд ингэснээр Хятадын хоёр хот ийм төвтэй болжээ. Эхнийх нь Гуандун мужийн Шэньжэн хотод нээгдсэн байна. Эдгээр төвүүд нь эзэд нь коронавирусийн халдвар авсны улмаас хөл хорионд орж, хараа хяналтгүй үлдсэн гэрийн тэжээвэр амьтдыг асран хамгаалах аж.


Коронавирусийн дэгдэлт ид оргил үед энэ төвүүдэд 62 гэрийн тэжээвэр амьтныг асарч байсан гэнэ. Амьтдыг төвд оруулахын өмнө ариутгаж, PCR шинжилгээнд хамруулдаг гэнэ.



Сонин хачин
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com
RESTORING PERISHED, HIJACKED OR STOLEN BITCOINS. CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS NOW: THE HACK ANGEL is an expert that can assist you in retrieving all of the money you've lost to online crooks. It recently worked for me, and I now have piece of mind after successfully recovering all of my lost monies. If you have been the victim of an online fraud, THE HACK ANGELS can help. I know little about other individuals, but I have seen their work. I will suggest you to reach out to them NOW with the information below. WHatsAP: +1 203,309,3359 Email: hackangel@cyberdude.com Web: https://thehackangels.com