Сүхбаатарын хөшөөнд цэцэг өргөж, Чингисийн хөшөөнд хүндэтгэл үзүүллээ


Тулгар төр байгуулагдсаны 2230, 2231 жил, Их Монгол Улс байгуулагдсаны 815, 816 жил, Үндэсний эрх чөлөө, тусгаар тогтнолоо сэргээн мандуулсны 110, 111  жил, Ардын хувьсгалын 100, 101 жилийн ой, Үндэсний их баяр наадмыг тохиолдуулан Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх, УИХ-ын дарга Г.Занданшатар, Ерөнхий сайд Л.Оюун-Эрдэнэ тэргүүтэй төр засгийн удирдлагууд Сүхбаатарын хөшөөнд цэцэг өргөж, Чингисийн хөшөөнд хүндэтгэл үзүүллээ. Хүндэтгэлийн арга хэмжээнд нийслэлийн удирдлагуудаас гадна манай улсад суугаа гадаадын Элчин сайд нар, олон улсын байгууллагуудын удирдлагууд оролцов.


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Dylan Whitey:
I was so impatient to carry out some necessary research about crypto training and investing buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 65,000 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 240,000 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn't realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and notice my account suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I could not afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recover my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online research, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with help of wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com. So I file a report and they were able to help me get back all my lost funds within 24hrs. Am indebted to them, apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium to recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary option forex, investment and any other form of online scam, reach out to WhatsApp +1(336) 3942139 Telegram +1 513 602 3179
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