Кубад Оросын талд цэрэг элсүүлэх ажлыг зохион байгуулсан 17 хүн баривчлагджээ

Украинд дайн өрнөж байгаа үед Кубад Оросын зэвсэгт хүчний эгнээнд нутгийн иргэдийг элсүүлэх ажлыг зохион байгуулсан хэрэгт сэжиглэн 17 хүнийг баривчилжээ. Энэ талаар Куба улсын Дотоод хэргийн яамны хурандаа Сесар Родригесээс авсан эх сурвалжтайгаар Ройтерс агентлаг мэдээлжээ. 


"Мөрдөн шалгалтын дүнд одоогоор 17 хүнийг баривчилсан. Тэдний дунд энэ үйл ажиллагааны дотоод зохион байгуулагч ч байгаа" гэж Дотоод хэргийн яамны төлөөлөгч мэдэгджээ. 


Эргэн сануулахад, Кубад хүний наймаа эрхэлдэг томоохон гэмт хэргийн сүлжээг илрүүлсэн талаарх мэдээлэл энэ долоо хоногийн эхээр гарсан юм. Энэ сүлжээ Кубын иргэдийг Украины дайнд Оросын талд байлдахыг албаддаг байсан гэж Кубын Гадаад хэргийн яам мэдэгдэж байв.


"Кубын иргэд болон Кубад амьдарч буй зарим гадаадын иргэдийг Украин дахь цэргийн ажиллагаанд оролцож буй зэвсэгт хүчний эгнээнд элсүүлэх зорилгоор Оросын талаас үйл ажиллагааг нь удирдаж буй хүний наймаа эрхэлдэг томоохон сүлжээг илрүүлж, үйл ажиллагааг зогсоох, устгах ажлыг Дотоод хэргийн яам хийж байна. Энэ төрлийн оролдлогыг таслан зогсооно. Харин энэхүү үйл ажиллагаатай холбоотой этгээдүүдийн эсрэг эрүүгийн хэрэг үүсгэсэн" гэж Кубын Гадаад хэргийн яам мэдэгдэж байв.



Сонин хачин
Jake Manny:
How Can I Get My Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin Back? In order to help victims of unscrupulous cryptocurrency investment organizations retrieve their lost or stolen money, WIZARD LARRY offers options. WIZARD LARRY is an expert at recovering cryptocurrency that has been lost to frauds involving binary options, forex trading, investment scams, and other schemes. In my opinion, WIZARD LARRY is the best recovery company to contact if you want your cryptocurrency assets that have been stolen returned. For further information, contact WIZARD LARRY Whatsapp: +447311146749. visit; https://www.wizardlarryrecovery.com/ , or Send an email to ( Wizardlarry @ mail. com.)
Jake Manny:
How Can I Get My Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin Back? In order to help victims of unscrupulous cryptocurrency investment organizations retrieve their lost or stolen money, WIZARD LARRY offers options. WIZARD LARRY is an expert at recovering cryptocurrency that has been lost to frauds involving binary options, forex trading, investment scams, and other schemes. In my opinion, WIZARD LARRY is the best recovery company to contact if you want your cryptocurrency assets that have been stolen returned. For further information, contact WIZARD LARRY Whatsapp: +447311146749. visit; https://www.wizardlarryrecovery.com/ , or Send an email to ( Wizardlarry @ mail. com.)
A MUST READ FOR ALL CRYPTO SCAMS VICTIM Coinfx market is a big scam broker, i paid a huge amount of $70,000, they persuaded me, into putting more of my hard earned money with all hope to get profits in return, they won’t allow me to make a withdrawal of my investment, all because all they wanted is to steal my money, i got advised to file a refund case against them, which to my greatest surprise i was able to withdraw my money, i contacted a recovery expert { MORRISGRAY830@GMAIL.COM } and his team of recovery experts, they where able to assist me with the withdrawal of my money, and restore my funds, they are very responsive, and you can reach out to him for help also, i know am not the only one who has fallen victim, people out there might also need this information!!!
I’m here to spread awareness about Craker Cyberdude and their exceptional services in recovering misplaced or stolen bitcoin. If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you have lost your bitcoin and felt hopeless, I can empathize with your distress. Just a few months ago, I faced a similar scenario when I lost over $150,000 USD in bitcoin. The feeling of losing such a significant financial commitment was overwhelming, and I believed that there was no chance of ever recovering it. However, everything changed when I discovered Craker Cyberdude. Their expertise and dedication in the field of cyber recovery are unparalleled. Through their services, my money was swiftly and completely restored, allowing me to regain control and breathe a sigh of relief. What sets Craker Cyberdude apart is their commitment to customer satisfaction. Their team of professionals ensures the highest level of assistance, guiding you every step of the way, and ensuring a smooth and hassle-free recovery process. Moreover, their services are well-regulated, providing you with a sense of security and trust. If you find yourself in a similar situation and desire to regain your misplaced bitcoin, I highly recommend considering Craker Cyberdude. They have proven themselves as reliable and efficient partners in navigating the complex world of digital currency recovery. To learn more about their services and start your recovery process, I invite you to visit their website at https://crakercyberdude.space/.You can trust Craker Cyberdude to help you regain control over your financial assets with utmost professionalism and expertise.
Marco Perezco:
Hello, I want to use this Medium to thank Lord Hacker Ultimate for helping me recover my stolen BTC/Crypto worth $783,000 through their proxy hacking skill. I was skeptical about them at first when I reported my case to this agency but to my greatest surprise, They delivered as promised and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I would never get my money back from those fake online investment scammers, you can also contact them via Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +19095063423, web: lordhackerultimate.wixsite.com/lordhackerultimate YouTube page: @lordhackerultimate
Sarah Porter:
How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency Investment I lost USD 565,000 in a binary investment trading scam, and I wasn't even aware of it until a few weeks later. The website and the services I used were so real, and everything felt legitimate. I became aware that something was wrong when they stopped responding to my emails and messages. I began looking into it after seeing an advertisement for the top recovery specialist. To help me get my investment money back, I hired Wizard Larry hacking service. They provided excellent customer service. To anyone who has had their cryptocurrency stolen, I heartily suggest them. wizardlarry@mail.com larrywizard43@gmail.com WhatsApp +1 (205) 319-6886 Website : https://wizardlarry.wixsite.com/wizardlarry
Sarah Porter:
How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency Investment I lost USD 565,000 in a binary investment trading scam, and I wasn't even aware of it until a few weeks later. The website and the services I used were so real, and everything felt legitimate. I became aware that something was wrong when they stopped responding to my emails and messages. I began looking into it after seeing an advertisement for the top recovery specialist. To help me get my investment money back, I hired Wizard Larry hacking service. They provided excellent customer service. To anyone who has had their cryptocurrency stolen, I heartily suggest them. wizardlarry@mail.com larrywizard43@gmail.com WhatsApp +1 (205) 319-6886 Website : https://wizardlarry.wixsite.com/wizardlarry