Сон Еэ Жин, Хён Бин нар өнгөрсөн онд 150 сая воныг буяны үйлсэд хандивлажээ

Солонгосын алдарт хос болох жүжигчин Сон Еэ Жин, Хён Бин нар өнгөрсөн онд 150 сая воныг буяны үйлсэд хандивлажээ. 

Тэд Сөүл хотын "Asan" эрүүл мэндийн төвийн Хүүхдийн сан болон Жусаранг нийгэмлэгийн санд их хэмжээний мөнгө хандивласан байна.  

“Asan” эмнэлэгт хуваарилагдсан хөрөнгөөр ​​хүүхэд, өсвөр үеийнхний эмчилгээний зардалд дэмжлэг үзүүлж, тэдэнд шаардлагатай тусламж, үйлчилгээг авах боломжийг бий болгосон бөгөөд Baby Box санаачилгаар дамжуулан бие даан амьдрах шаардлагатай өрх толгойлсон эцэг эхчүүдэд дэмжлэг үзүүлэхэд чиглэсэн байна. 

Сонин хачин
SHAW fred:
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SHAW fred:
I never thought i could smile and be in a happy marriage again if not for the help of DR Moses . I got the doctors Email and i emailed him, he got back to me with some encouraging words, he got me some herbs cream which i use for just 8 days and i began to feel the male enhancement , and without surgery. This went on for a little period of about 10 days and to my surprise my wife keeps screaming that she love my big dick now. Now my wife no longer cheat on me, and my male enhancement is now about 10.5 inches long on erection and off course very large round. And now my wife uses breasts, hips and bums enlargement. I and my wife are very happy for the help rendered to me by DR Moses HERBS, and i want to say a big thanks to Doctor for the help. you can call/whats-app him directly on +2349060529305 DOCTOR Moses Buba CAN AS WELL HELP THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS 1. HIV/AIDS SPELL 2. HERPES SPELL 3. CANCER SPELL 4 IF YOU WANT YOUR EX LOVER BACK SPELL 5 IF YOU NEED A BABY SPELLhim to solve 6 LOW SPERM COUNT SPELL get all your problem solve. No problem is too big for him to solve.
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Joanna Lee:
After being scammed out of $190,650 in Bitcoin, I was devastated and felt like recovery was impossible. However, I stumbled upon a Google post about Wizard Asset Recovery, a legitimate digital assets recovery firm. With nothing to lose, I reached out to them for help. To my amazement, they successfully recovered my entire loss in BTC. I'm immensely grateful and relieved for their assistance. If you're facing a similar situation, don't hesitate to contact them for help. You can reach Wizard Asset Recovery at: WhatsApp: +1 (315) 756-1228 Email: Wizardassetrecovery@gmx.us
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My name is CLARA JAMES .I want to give thanks to PRIEST WISDOM for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person,It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn't face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he broke up with me again . I was confused and did not know what to do again, rather they got in contact with PRIEST WISDOM.He did a love spell that made my husband come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. PRIEST WISDOM makes him realize how much we love and need each other .This man is for REAL and for good . He can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counselling, and we’re doing very, very well , in our love life . contact email supernaturalspell0@gmail.com or text or add him up on WhatsApp/Telegram at: +2348124644470 his web page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ or go to his page https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11