Анхны Ерөнхийлөгч Пунсалмаагийн Очирбат таалал төгссөнтэй холбогдуулан гашуудал зарлана А.Бямбажаргал: Манай станц шөнийн илүүдэл эрчим хүчийг хуримтлуулж, оргил ачааллын үед буцаан нийлүүлж байна Дэлхийн №1 борлуулалттай шар айраг Монголд Орон нутаг болон есөн дүүргийн 1277 ахмад настнууд цахим ур чадвар сайжруулах сургалтад хамрагдлаа Багануурын батарей хуримтлуурын станц төвийн системд 7.566.000 кВт.цаг эрчим хүч нийлүүлээд байна ЦЕГ: 1xBet-ээр иргэдийг залилсан 100 гаруй холбогдогчийг шалгаж байна ЦАГ АГААР: Ихэнх нутгаар цаг агаар тогтуун байна Дэлхийн хаана ч ЮнионПэй картаараа худалдан авалт хийгээд 5 хувийн буцаан олголт аваарай Амралтын өдрүүдэд зарим нутгаар өдөртөө +4 хэм хүрч дулаарна Л.Оюун-Эрдэнэ: Франц Улстай хөрөнгө оруулалтын гэрээ байгуулснаар Засгийн газрын 14 мега төслийн гурав дахь нь хөдөлж байна
Монголын циркчид Монте-Карлогийн наадмаас МӨНГӨН АЛИАЛАГЧ шагнал хүртлээ

Монте Карлогийн олон улсын циркчдийн 46 дахь удаагийн наадам энэ сарын 19-28-ны өдрүүдэд Монако улсад зохион байгуулагдаж байна. Энэхүү тэмцээнд Монгол циркчид амжилттай оролцож, Мөнгөн алиалагч шагналыг хүртжээ. 



Тодруулбал, Дэлхийн циркчдийн олимп гэгдэх Монте Карло oлон улсын циркчдийн тэмцээнээс акробатын төрөлд анхны мөнгөн алиалагч цомыг Т.Амартүвшин ахлагчтай Шидэх банзны хамтлаг xүртсэн байна.


Сонин хачин
Mike Zick:
Hire GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER For All Hacking & BTC Recovery. Hello, I want to use this Medium to thank GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I invested $307,000 worth of cryptocurrencies after using up all of my savings. I was ultimately duped and lost every penny to the fraudulent enterprise. I’ve always liked the notion of investing in cryptocurrencies, but I didn’t follow the correct procedures, and I ended up losing all of my money to fraudulent bitcoin investments. I tried everything to get my money back, but I was unable to do so. When you're really in demand of the most reliable asset recovery professionals contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. They can help you in recovering all the money lost to scammers online. It recently worked for me and I now have peace of mind after the huge recovery of all my lost funds. If you are a victim of online scams then I will advise you to contact them with the details below. Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com WhatsApp +1 (512) 550 1646 Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Mike Zick:
Hire GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER For All Hacking & BTC Recovery. Hello, I want to use this Medium to thank GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I invested $307,000 worth of cryptocurrencies after using up all of my savings. I was ultimately duped and lost every penny to the fraudulent enterprise. I’ve always liked the notion of investing in cryptocurrencies, but I didn’t follow the correct procedures, and I ended up losing all of my money to fraudulent bitcoin investments. I tried everything to get my money back, but I was unable to do so. When you're really in demand of the most reliable asset recovery professionals contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. They can help you in recovering all the money lost to scammers online. It recently worked for me and I now have peace of mind after the huge recovery of all my lost funds. If you are a victim of online scams then I will advise you to contact them with the details below. Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com WhatsApp +1 (512) 550 1646 Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Mike Zick:
Hire GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER For All Hacking & BTC Recovery. Hello, I want to use this Medium to thank GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I invested $307,000 worth of cryptocurrencies after using up all of my savings. I was ultimately duped and lost every penny to the fraudulent enterprise. I’ve always liked the notion of investing in cryptocurrencies, but I didn’t follow the correct procedures, and I ended up losing all of my money to fraudulent bitcoin investments. I tried everything to get my money back, but I was unable to do so. When you're really in demand of the most reliable asset recovery professionals contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. They can help you in recovering all the money lost to scammers online. It recently worked for me and I now have peace of mind after the huge recovery of all my lost funds. If you are a victim of online scams then I will advise you to contact them with the details below. Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com WhatsApp +1 (512) 550 1646 Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
A Guide to Recruiting a Hacker to Retrieve Stolen Bitcoin. My gratitude is insufficient for the outstanding assistance rendered by the renowned OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. I lost a significant sum of my hard-earned money—$258k worth of Bitcoin—to an online romance fraud, which crushed me. But this group of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS professionals quickly helped me out and proved their proficiency with crypto recovery. They recovered my lost money in an unexpectedly quick amount of time. Their unwavering efforts and dedication to ensuring client happiness really kept me afloat financially. I would heartily suggest them to anyone facing a comparable situation. Their exceptional assistance and capacity to retrieve significant quantities of cryptocurrency are unparalleled. Details about how to reach us are provided below. WhatsApp at +1..6..0..1..4..6..0..9..4..7..7. email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
Anabel Stacy:
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Anabel Stacy:
Accessing your spouses text messages and call logs demands a great caution due to the sensitivity of the matter. To avoid any trouble, it’s recommend that you seek the services of the best hacker I will tell you about, they are trustworthy professionals who can aid you in gaining entry to your partners phone and retrieving all required information from it. wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com , Telegram: garryspeedhack ,whatsApp +1(336) 394-2139. It can be beneficial to monitor someone closely in order to dispel any uncertainties. Nevertheless, engaging in surveillance may yield favorable outcomes. An individual is ultimately at your discretion. Feel free to proceed as you see fit.
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THIS IS HOW YOU CAN RECOVER YOUR LOST CRYPTO? Are you a victim of Investment, BTC, Forex, NFT, Credit card, etc Scam? Do you want to investigate a cheating spouse? Do you desire credit repair (all bureaus)? Contact Hacker Steve (Funds Recovery agent) asap to get started. He specializes in all cases of ethical hacking, cryptocurrency, fake investment schemes, recovery scam, credit repair, stolen account, etc. Stay safe out there! Hackersteve911@gmail.com https://hackersteve.great-site.net/
CRYPTO RECOVERY MADE EASY: I’m letting everyone know about the help I received from the registered company Hacker Steve to get back my stolen Bitcoin. I got confused and agitated. I informed a coworker about my experience, and he suggested that I contact Hacker Steve. He certainly contributes to the return of a respectable amount of my “BTC” investment. I’ve made the decision to make my testimony public in appreciation for a job well done. Your stolen money/BTC can be recovered by Hacker Steve because Hacker Steve has cutting-edge tools that are managed by the top cryptocurrency recovery professionals in the field of Cryptocurrency Assets Recoveries. Contact him via hackersteve911@gmail.com | https://hackersteve.great-site.net/
mundag shuu manaihan tsirkee butsaad avahsaan
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Зорге !:
83 насыг зооглосон ч ноён нуруу нь бөхийж болохгүй МОНГОЛ ЦИРК !
Uvsiin hyrgas sumiin haryat gantumuriin munhzul hogiin hulgaich zalilagch
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
mary christina:
HOW TO GET BACK LOST WALLET/BITCOIN 2024? EthicsRefinance hackers played a crucial role in recovering my stolen bitcoin worth $234,000. Their expertise and ethical approach helped me regain what was rightfully mine. Their prompt actions and dedication to resolving the issue were commendable. I am grateful for their assistance in rectifying this unfortunate incident.Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance
WOW. Bayar hurgiye.
Ganboldiin Gantuya gadaad hariltsaanii yamnd bugsuuruu ajild orson ynhan