Н.Учрал сайдын яам ЭМ уух заавар бүхий видеог 400 саяар хийнэ

Эрүүл мэндийн цахим үйлчилгээнд хэрэглэгддэг программд гацаж, эмч өвчтнүүдийн хооронд үл ойлголцол үүсэх нөхцөл байдал үүсээд байна. 



Энэ талаар Эрүүл мэндийн даатгалын Ерөнхий газраас тодруулахад  "И-Монголиа системийн мэдэгдэл хүлээн авах хэсэг гацсан" гэх мэдээллийг өглөө. Ерөнхий сайдын захирамжаар байгуулагдсан Эрүүл мэндийн салбарын цахим шилжилтийг эрчимжүүлэх ажлын хэсгийг Цахим хөгжил, Харилцаа холбооны сайд Н.Учрал ахлан ажиллаж байгаа. Гэвч цахим шилжилт сүүлийн саруудад эмч, өвчтнүүдийг бухимдуулдаг зүйл болон хувирчээ. 


Энэ асуудалд одоогоор Цахим хөгжил Харилцаа холбооны яам болон яамны харъяа И-Монголиа системийн хариуцдаг албаны хүмүүс тодорхой тайлбар өгсөнгүй. Гэтэл өмнөх цахим шилжилт тааруухан үр дүнтэй байгаа энэ үед "Монгол Улсад бүртгэлтэй, эмчийн жороор олгодог эмийн хэрэглээ, зааварчилгааг цахим видео хэлбэрээр (AR) төрийн цахим үйлчилгээний eMongolia системээр танилцах боломжийг бүрдүүлэх" бас нэгэн төслийг хэрэгжүүлэхээр болсон байна. 



Энэхүү төсөлд нийт 400 сая төгрөг төсөвлөж байгаагаа Цахим хөгжил, Харилцаа холбооны яам 2024 оны төсвийн жилийн Худалдан авах төлөвлөгөөндөө багтаасан байна. Н.Учрал сайдын ахалсан эрүүл мэндийн цахим шилжилт ийнхүү иргэд, эмч нарын бухимдуулж, шийдлээ хүлээж байгаа энэ цаг үед  дахин татварын их хэмжээний мөнгө зарлагадан эм сурталчлах видеонд их хэмжээний мөнгө зарцуулах нь ээ. 

Цахим шилжилт бол иргэдийн цагийг хэмнэж, түр шуурхай үйлчилгээ авах гол зорилготой үйлчилгээ. Гэвч ачаалал ихтэй улсын эмнэлгүүдийн үүдийг сахих иргэд хөгжүүлэлтгүй программ хэзээ ажиллаж эхлэхийг хүлээж дахин бухимдах нөхцөл байдал үүсээд байна.  Иймээс Н.Учрал сайд аа, эхний программаа сайн хөгжүүлж, иргэдэд саадгүй үйлчилгээ үзүүлдэг болсны дараа их хэмжээний татварын мөнгөөр эмийн видео хийх ажилдаа орно уу даа.

Сонин хачин
Amazing Love Spell To Get Back With your Partner and Fix Your Broken Relationship WHATSAPP+2349161779461 My wife broke up with me 3 months ago, and forced me to sign the divorce papers, and I was completely heartbroken. And I could not get back into any shape emotionally. I Thank God for this astonishing and brilliant spell caster that came to my rescue. Wow! This spell caster has helped me so much. Dr Jakuta guaranteed me an urgent 24hrs spell casting, of which I accepted it. Shockingly! this month my wife called me back with lots of apologies after 48hrs which he assured me, and he did everything possible to withdraw the divorce papers which was previously ongoing with the power of this miracle working spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, herpes simplex virus, hiv and other sickness, Thank you so so so much Lord for your powerful spells. expressions are not sufficient to say thank you. Email doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com. WhatsApp him on +2349161779461
Amazing Love Spell To Get Back With your Partner and Fix Your Broken Relationship WHATSAPP+2349161779461 My wife broke up with me 3 months ago, and forced me to sign the divorce papers, and I was completely heartbroken. And I could not get back into any shape emotionally. I Thank God for this astonishing and brilliant spell caster that came to my rescue. Wow! This spell caster has helped me so much. Dr Jakuta guaranteed me an urgent 24hrs spell casting, of which I accepted it. Shockingly! this month my wife called me back with lots of apologies after 48hrs which he assured me, and he did everything possible to withdraw the divorce papers which was previously ongoing with the power of this miracle working spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, herpes simplex virus, hiv and other sickness, Thank you so so so much Lord for your powerful spells. expressions are not sufficient to say thank you. Email doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com. WhatsApp him on +2349161779461
Amazing Love Spell To Get Back With your Partner and Fix Your Broken Relationship WHATSAPP+2349161779461 My wife broke up with me 3 months ago, and forced me to sign the divorce papers, and I was completely heartbroken. And I could not get back into any shape emotionally. I Thank God for this astonishing and brilliant spell caster that came to my rescue. Wow! This spell caster has helped me so much. Dr Jakuta guaranteed me an urgent 24hrs spell casting, of which I accepted it. Shockingly! this month my wife called me back with lots of apologies after 48hrs which he assured me, and he did everything possible to withdraw the divorce papers which was previously ongoing with the power of this miracle working spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, herpes simplex virus, hiv and other sickness, Thank you so so so much Lord for your powerful spells. expressions are not sufficient to say thank you. Email doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com. WhatsApp him on +2349161779461
Amazing Love Spell To Get Back With your Partner and Fix Your Broken Relationship WHATSAPP+2349161779461 My wife broke up with me 3 months ago, and forced me to sign the divorce papers, and I was completely heartbroken. And I could not get back into any shape emotionally. I Thank God for this astonishing and brilliant spell caster that came to my rescue. Wow! This spell caster has helped me so much. Dr Jakuta guaranteed me an urgent 24hrs spell casting, of which I accepted it. Shockingly! this month my wife called me back with lots of apologies after 48hrs which he assured me, and he did everything possible to withdraw the divorce papers which was previously ongoing with the power of this miracle working spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, herpes simplex virus, hiv and other sickness, Thank you so so so much Lord for your powerful spells. expressions are not sufficient to say thank you. Email doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com. WhatsApp him on +2349161779461
Amazing Love Spell To Get Back With your Partner and Fix Your Broken Relationship WHATSAPP+2349161779461 My wife broke up with me 3 months ago, and forced me to sign the divorce papers, and I was completely heartbroken. And I could not get back into any shape emotionally. I Thank God for this astonishing and brilliant spell caster that came to my rescue. Wow! This spell caster has helped me so much. Dr Jakuta guaranteed me an urgent 24hrs spell casting, of which I accepted it. Shockingly! this month my wife called me back with lots of apologies after 48hrs which he assured me, and he did everything possible to withdraw the divorce papers which was previously ongoing with the power of this miracle working spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, herpes simplex virus, hiv and other sickness, Thank you so so so much Lord for your powerful spells. expressions are not sufficient to say thank you. Email doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com. WhatsApp him on +2349161779461
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ene ard tumeng ter tsahim gej yu bdgiig medehguig dalimduulj zaluu ih l mungu urj bndaa , ydaj ard tumendee oilgolt hiij bj idmeer ym bish uu !
400саяар МАНГАРтаж мөнгө идэх нь.
Ta nar shig karmaandaa hiisen bish zarj baij ordog Uchral gishvvn mash sain ajillaj tanil tal ariin haalga avilgiig ustgah ajil hiij baigaa amjilt zuv shvv
Niitiin teeveriin dashdorjiin ganbaatar hogiin hulgaich duu enhjargal ynhan solongosuud nuuren deer tamhiaa darj untaraadag hun aminii heregten!