




Бидний хайрт аав, нөхөр, өвөө, сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухааны доктор, профессор, олонд “Тооны Бүндэн багш” нэрээр танигдсан Дашнямын Бүндэн  2024 оны 5 сарын 19 ны өдөр өвчний улмаас ертөнцийн мөнх бусыг үзүүлж бид бүхэнд нөхөж баршгүй гарз тохиолоо.


Д.Бүндэн нь 1932 онд Өвөрхангай аймгийн Дэлгэрэх булаг сумын нутаг Ар шандын Цагаан толгой гэдэг газар малчин ард Дашнямын ууган хүү болон мэндэлжээ.


1947 онд Зүүнбаян-Улаан сумын бага сургууль, 1953 онд Улаанбаатар хотын багшийн их сургууль, 1967 онд Москва хотын Сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухааны дээд сургуульд суралцан төгсжээ.


Д.Бүндэн нь Боловсролын системд тасралтгүй 60 гаруй жил ажиллахдаа Монгол улсын ерөнхий боловсролын сургуулийн бага ангийн сургалтын арга зүй, багш нарын мэргэжил дээшлүүлэх чиглэлээр дагнан ажиллаж ном товхимол 47, өгүүлэл зөвлөмж 48, арга зүй хичээл 21 ийг боловсруулан хэвлүүлж Монгол улсын багш нарын заах арга зүйн үйл ажиллагаанд нэвтрүүлсэн юм.


Д.Бүндэнгийн зохиосон 1,2,3,4-р ангийн математикийн сурах бичиг нь 1972 оноос эхлэн 33 жил Монгол улсын боловсролын салбарт ашиглагдаж багш сурагчдын оюуныг тэлэхэд үнэлж баршгүй хувь нэмэр оруулсан юм.


Төр засгаас түүний олон жилийн уйгагүй хөдөлмөр, хичээл зүтгэлийг үнэлж Ардын гэгээрлийн тэргүүний ажилтан, Хөдөлмөрийн хүндэт медаль, Хөдөлмөрийн гавьяаны улаан тугийн одонгоор шагнажээ.


Таны хөдөлмөрч, ажилч хичээнгүй, зарчимч зан чанар, эрдэм мэдлэгийг эгнэгт нэгт тавих үлгэрлэл, тасралтгүй сурч боловсрох хүсэл тэмүүлэл бидний зүрх сэтгэлд үүрд хоногшин үлдэх болно.


Гэр бүл, үр хүүхэд, ач зээ, дүү, төрөл төрөгсөд нь

Сонин хачин
John Westward:
I never thought I would fall victim to a crypto scam until I was convinced of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my entire assets worth $347,000 to a crypto investment manager who convinced me I could earn more from my investment. I thought it was all gone for good but I kept looking for ways to get back my stolen crypto assets and finally came across FIRMWALL CYBER SECURITY SERVICE, a crypto recovery company that has been very successful in the recovery of crypto for many other victims of crypto scams and people who lost access to their crypto. I’m truly grateful for their help as I was able to recover my stolen crypto assets and get my life back together. I highly recommend their services WEB: https://firmwallcyber.wixsite.com/firmwall EMAIL: FIRMWALLCYBER @ TECHIE. COM WHATSAPP: +1(430.) 422. 5166
John Westward:
I never thought I would fall victim to a crypto scam until I was convinced of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my entire assets worth $347,000 to a crypto investment manager who convinced me I could earn more from my investment. I thought it was all gone for good but I kept looking for ways to get back my stolen crypto assets and finally came across FIRMWALL CYBER SECURITY SERVICE, a crypto recovery company that has been very successful in the recovery of crypto for many other victims of crypto scams and people who lost access to their crypto. I’m truly grateful for their help as I was able to recover my stolen crypto assets and get my life back together. I highly recommend their services WEB: https://firmwallcyber.wixsite.com/firmwall EMAIL: FIRMWALLCYBER @ TECHIE. COM WHATSAPP: +1(430.) 422. 5166
John Westward:
I never thought I would fall victim to a crypto scam until I was convinced of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my entire assets worth $347,000 to a crypto investment manager who convinced me I could earn more from my investment. I thought it was all gone for good but I kept looking for ways to get back my stolen crypto assets and finally came across FIRMWALL CYBER SECURITY SERVICE, a crypto recovery company that has been very successful in the recovery of crypto for many other victims of crypto scams and people who lost access to their crypto. I’m truly grateful for their help as I was able to recover my stolen crypto assets and get my life back together. I highly recommend their services WEB: https://firmwallcyber.wixsite.com/firmwall EMAIL: FIRMWALLCYBER @ TECHIE. COM WHATSAPP: +1(430.) 422. 5166
John Westward:
I never thought I would fall victim to a crypto scam until I was convinced of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my entire assets worth $347,000 to a crypto investment manager who convinced me I could earn more from my investment. I thought it was all gone for good but I kept looking for ways to get back my stolen crypto assets and finally came across FIRMWALL CYBER SECURITY SERVICE, a crypto recovery company that has been very successful in the recovery of crypto for many other victims of crypto scams and people who lost access to their crypto. I’m truly grateful for their help as I was able to recover my stolen crypto assets and get my life back together. I highly recommend their services WEB: https://firmwallcyber.wixsite.com/firmwall EMAIL: FIRMWALLCYBER @ TECHIE. COM WHATSAPP: +1(430.) 422. 5166
Ronda Disluke:
As a victim, I was ripped off when I invested in cryptocurrencies because I got into the wrong hands and had $945,000 in BTC stolen from me. I was about to lose up after hearing that it couldn’t be found or recovered, but fortunately I came across an online post about a recovery specialist named SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY. I contacted him and did some work with them just to give it a try. I never thought it would be feasible, but to my greatest amazement, they were able to recover $850,860 of the money that was taken from me. I’ve decided to share this with anyone who might require such a service. Regarding BTC recovery, SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY provides an incredible service. Contact them on email:(swiftrecoveryservice006 (@)gmail . com) or WhatsApp number: +1 (786) 684‑0501 Or Telegram @SWIFT_HACKING Website https://swiftspyassetsrecovery.com
BEST CRYPTO RECOVERY SERVICES - CONTACT iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is Genuine and recommended. I was previously duped into using a cryptocurrency investment platform that I discovered on Tiktok. I lost over $116k to this nasty business after investing and accumulating earnings; withdrawals were prohibited on the scheduled deadline. I contacted customer service, but received no response; I realized I had been duped, and I began looking for a way to reclaim my cryptocurrency. I found myself fortunate to stumble across a post on the internet about a Recovery Expert named iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY who helped me recover 90% of my lost funds and I am highly grateful. I would definitely recommend iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY to anyone looking to reclaim lost monies from a fraud. Website; iforcehackersrecovery .c om Whatpp; +1 240 ( 803, 37) 06 E-Mail: contact@iforcehackersrecovery . c om
Anderson Gate:
My name is Anderson Gate and I’m a professional photographer who invested in crypto trading and was conned of my hard-earned money by a crypto group. I lost $273,000 worth of Bitcoin to this scam. I was nearly losing my mind when I came across FIRMWALL Cyber Security, an ethical recovery company with professional white hat hackers who were able to assist me in the recovery of my crypto. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend their service to everyone who needs to recover their stolen crypto funds. You can contact them via Email: Firmwallcyber@techie . Com Telegram: @Firmwallcyber (+1 213 672 4092 ) URL-(https:// firmwallcyber.wixsite.com/firmwall)
Richardson Angie:
I lost $103,450 with a fake crypto investor. I am Richardson and here is my story. Of course, they advise us to do a good background check before deciding where and when to invest. But they entirely forget that the scammers have a "clean" background record. So you will find all the good reviews and ads about them when you research. Mine was no different. They looked legit and I made my deposits plus other more deposits when chasing my withdrawals. I reached my limits and knew I had to get my money back no matter what. I did some deep searching and finally decided to try out The Exner Hacker at TheexnerhackerATprotonmailDOTcom. Guess who had their total investment in approximately 20 hours. Good thing about this hacker is that they only require the transaction information and hackers address and everything else is on them until the money is fully back. Reach them on their email or Telegram number : (PLUS)1 (917) 384‑3379 to get the help you need with finances and crypto.
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
Madison Nicolas:
Have you ever experienced theft of cryptocurrency? Has someone taken your hard-earned Bitcoin through scams or hacking? Be at ease! Professional cryptocurrency recovery agent OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you get your stolen bitcoin back and take back what is rightfully yours. Contact him right now, and you'll thank me for it later. Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com
James campbell:
How do I Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency – Go through OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS To recover cryptocurrency that has been acquired fraudulently, it is imperative to seek professional assistance. Among the many benefits of hiring a professional hacker like OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is their in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency recovery techniques. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can effectively handle the difficulties of recovering misplaced money because they are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Contact Below: Email address.... (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz) WhatsApp: +1 (6,0,1) 4,6,0 - 9,4,7,7 Website: https://optimistichackegaius.com