Улаанбаатарт 25 хэм дулаан, бороотой

Малчид, иргэд, тээвэрчдийн анхааралд:


Өнөөдөр ихэнх нутгаар, 20-нд Хөвсгөл, Архангай, Булган, 20-21-нд шилжих шөнө Булган, Сэлэнгэ, Төв аймаг, Улаанбаатар хот орчим, 21-нд Төв, Сэлэнгэ, Хэнтийн нутгаар усархаг бороо, дуу цахилгаантай аадар бороо орох тул борооны өмнөх хүчтэй салхи, мөндөр, үер, усны аюулаас сэрэмжтэй байхыг онцгойлон анхааруулж байна.


2024 оны 06-р сарын 19-ний 08 цагаас 20 цаг хүртэлх цаг агаарын урьдчилсан мэдээ:


Ихэнх нутгаар үүлэрхэг. Баруун болон говийн аймгуудын нутгийн хойд хэсэг, төв, зүүн аймгуудын ихэнх нутгаар бороо, дуу цахилгаантай аадар бороо орно. Салхи нутгийн хойд хагаст баруун өмнөөс хойш эргэж, бусад хэсгээр баруунаас секундэд 5-10 метр, Алтайн салбар уулсаар секундэд 13-15 метр, зарим газраар борооны өмнө түр зуур ширүүснэ. Монгол-Алтай, Хөвсгөлийн уулархаг нутаг, Увс нуурын хотгор, Завхан голын эх, Хүрэнбэлчир орчмоор +14...+19 градус, говийн бүс нутгийн зүүн өмнөд хэсэг, Дорнод-Дарьгангын тал нутгаар +30...+35 градус, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутаг, Орхон-Сэлэнгийн сав газар, говийн бүс нутгийн баруун болон хойд хэсгээр +25...+30 градус, бусад нутгаар +21...+26 градус дулаан байна.


УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ ОРЧМООР:Үүлшинэ. Бороо орно, дуу цахилгаантай Салхи зүүн өмнөөс хойш эргэж секундэд 5-10 метр, борооны өмнө түр зуур ширүүснэ. +24...+26 градус дулаан байна.


БАГАНУУР ОРЧМООР: Үүлшинэ. Бороо орно, дуу цахилгаантай. Салхи баруун өмнөөс хойш эргэж секундэд 5-10 метр, борооны өмнө түр зуур ширүүснэ. +23...+25 градус дулаан байна.


ТЭРЭЛЖ ОРЧМООР: Үүлшинэ. Дуу цахилгаантай аадар бороо орно. Салхи зүүн өмнөөс хойш эргэж секундэд 5-10 метр, борооны өмнө түр зуур ширүүснэ. +22...+24 градус дулаан байна.

Сонин хачин
Investment Is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom. For a beginner there are so many challenges you face. It's hard to know how to get startedTrading the Crypto market has really been a life changer for me. I almost gave up on crypto currency at some point not until I got a proficient trader Bernie Doran , he gave me all the information required to succeed in trading. I made more profit than I could ever imagine. I'm not here to converse much but to share my testimony, I invested $700.00 and got back $6500.00 within 3 days of investment. His strategies and signals are the best and I have gained more knowledge trading with him If you are new to cryptocurrency get some help in forex trading and mining contact synackhack @ tech-center.com >>
Donald Jones:
RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD When it comes to retrieving stolen bitcoin, CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD is unique due to its skill, dedication, and experience. Knowing the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency world, they work closely with law enforcement and utilize cutting edge methods to locate and track down stolen bitcoin. Their exceptional reputation in the bitcoin recovery services industry stems from their individualized approach and unwavering dedication to client satisfaction. My bitcoin was stolen, and although I reached out to several hackers who said they could help me get it back, all they did was take additional money from me in the process. Upon reaching out to CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD for support, all hope was reestablished. I was first skeptical, but CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD eventually managed to retrieve my bitcoin. Thank you very much. contact CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD for help to get your lost/stolen funds back and be happy. Email: hackrontech@ gmail.com
I quite know of a particular cost effective pro hacker who is well know all over the word, and that provide good services when comes to hacking of any such, they are only hacker that i can recommend in this website because have use them couple of time and i will say was awesome. They provide the following service such as school grade, WhatsApp hacking, criminal record, Facebook account, retriever of lost document or lost crypto and more contact them via hackrontech @gmail com
Mathilda Carl:
I gain access into my husband phone without him knowing or suspecting, it feels good and safe to know what his doing, I had always thought it was never possible to monitor your partner without his notice, but all thanks to him I am able to view my husband activities, really appreciated you for the great services you can text ethical hacker through gm ail via hacker11tech @ gm ail com for any spy or hacking device
I know of a vary good hacker that can help you with any types of hacking, either phone or computer services, my cheating wife was so smooth at hiding her infidelity so I had no proof for months I was referred to this ethical hacker and decided to given him a try, the result was incredible because all my cheating wife text messages email Facebook and even phone conversation was wired directly to my cellphone, helped me spying on her phone I was able to monitoring her day to day activities, if you think your spouses is an expert at hiding her cheating adventure you can contact him through hackrontech @gmail com tell that camila I referred you to him.
Autumn Foster:
I was hesitant about trusting anyone with my case, but this company Recuva Hacker Solutions proved me wrong. Their team of experts recovered my lost crypto investment and private key, and they did it quickly and efficiently. I would highly recommend their services to anyone who has lost their crypto investment or private key, I have been practicing with them for over some months, and with my knowledge, I felt it was practically impossible to recover some vital login details for crypto wallets, because of the process of generating them. It amazed me when they did it, now I understand what it means by "do not underestimate technology". I guess we learn every day. I wish I could be a team member of Recuva Hacker Solutions because their recovery processes for cyber security details are top-notch. company Contact Details:Email: recuvahackersolutions@consultus.co.siteWhatsApp: +1 (315) 756 1228, at this place your recovery is sure
Dana Caldwell:
My company was not going as it was before, my workers stop coming because I was not paying them well again, my finances was going down I didn’t know what to do, I keep believing and pushing that one day everything will be fine, I came across PRO WIZARD GILBERT RECENTLY, immediately they assured me not to worry about it they would help me recover my company back I was so relieved and I believe within me it would work out, it didn’t take much time my company was back I was so happy, I started see financial support from many people I didn’t expect would help me my company started growing and many workers started applying in my company, my company is now known all over the world all thanks to PRO WIZARD GILBERT RECOVERY for their good work for helping me achieve my great company back am so grateful to them. You may get in touch with them at : Prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer . com WhatsApp ; +1 (516) 347‑9592
Francisca Tomas:
We need to stop being fooled by all these brokers and account managers, they scammed me over $100,000 of my investment capital, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. I was researching and find a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their funds, I contacted the email provided for consultation, (REMOTESPYWISE @ GMAIL COM) I got feedback after some minutes and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Whatsapp: +1(571) 523-6742
The cryptocurrency market, with its promise of lucrative returns, also harbors a dark underbelly of internet fraud, leaving countless individuals vulnerable to devastating losses. I, too, found myself ensnared in this web of deception when a security breach at my wallet address resulted in the loss of $191,000 worth of cryptocurrency, a substantial portion of my savings and assets. The prospect of forfeiting my home loomed ominously, casting a shadow of despair over my once-stable existence In the depths of my grief and desperation, I turned to the online community for solace, where a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of MUYERN TRUST HACKER. Recommended to me amidst my turmoil, this cryptocurrency recovery company offered a beacon of hope in my darkest hour. With nothing left to lose, I entrusted them with the monumental task of reclaiming what was mine. MUYERN TRUST HACKER's efficiency was evident. Their prompt response to my inquiry and thorough understanding of cryptocurrency transactions' complexities instilled confidence in their capabilities. They swiftly gathered the necessary information regarding the security breach and my lost investments, assuring me of their unwavering commitment to recovering my funds. The speed with which MUYERN TRUST HACKER operated was nothing short of miraculous. Within six hours, they traced and recouped all of my lost cryptocurrency, restoring a semblance of stability to my fractured financial landscape. The relief and elation I experienced upon seeing my coins returned to my wallet were beyond measure. Yet, MUYERN TRUST HACKER's impact extended far beyond retrieving my lost assets. MUYERN TRUST HACKER rescued me from the depths of financial ruin and equipped me with the tools necessary to navigate the treacherous waters of the cryptocurrency market with confidence and resilience. mailbox(at)muyerntrusthack (dot) solutions and Tele gram: muyerntrusthackertech
Laura Ani:
HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO BACK FROM FAKE PLATFORMS. I’ve read many stories about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. How the company is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scam companies or any from any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online scam trading platform where I invested about 97,000 usd worth of Btc and lost everything. GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. As the only trusted cyber security company, the hacker recovered all my lost money. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. You can also contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. Contact the following address: Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Laura Ani:
HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO BACK FROM FAKE PLATFORMS. I’ve read many stories about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. How the company is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scam companies or any from any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online scam trading platform where I invested about 97,000 usd worth of Btc and lost everything. GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. As the only trusted cyber security company, the hacker recovered all my lost money. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. You can also contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. Contact the following address: Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Laura Ani:
HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO BACK FROM FAKE PLATFORMS. I’ve read many stories about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. How the company is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scam companies or any from any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online scam trading platform where I invested about 97,000 usd worth of Btc and lost everything. GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. As the only trusted cyber security company, the hacker recovered all my lost money. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. You can also contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. Contact the following address: Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Laura Ani:
HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO BACK FROM FAKE PLATFORMS. I’ve read many stories about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. How the company is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scam companies or any from any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online scam trading platform where I invested about 97,000 usd worth of Btc and lost everything. GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. As the only trusted cyber security company, the hacker recovered all my lost money. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. You can also contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. Contact the following address: Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Ben Richard:
RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF GEO COORDINATES HACKER Cryptocurrency investment halted and turned my life upside down after I invested almost everything that I had worked for all my life. I found myself in a desperate situation after losing 3.7 Million to Bitcoin investment for cryptocurrency. I was depressed and sad until my research took me to a website of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back. I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within a few days. I’m glad I was able to recover my stolen crypto. Their service is truly reliable. I’m grateful to them. You can get in touch with them through their Email; geovcoordinateshacker@proton.meEmail; geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker )Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Laura Ani:
HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO BACK FROM FAKE PLATFORMS. I’ve read many stories about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. How the company is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scam companies or any from any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online scam trading platform where I invested about 97,000 usd worth of Btc and lost everything. GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. As the only trusted cyber security company, the hacker recovered all my lost money. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. You can also contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. Contact the following address: Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Laura Ani:
HOW TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO BACK FROM FAKE PLATFORMS. I’ve read many stories about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. How the company is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scam companies or any from any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online scam trading platform where I invested about 97,000 usd worth of Btc and lost everything. GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. As the only trusted cyber security company, the hacker recovered all my lost money. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. You can also contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER COMPANY. Contact the following address: Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Ben Richard:
RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF GEO COORDINATES HACKER Cryptocurrency investment halted and turned my life upside down after I invested almost everything that I had worked for all my life. I found myself in a desperate situation after losing 3.7 Million to Bitcoin investment for cryptocurrency. I was depressed and sad until my research took me to a website of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back. I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within a few days. I’m glad I was able to recover my stolen crypto. Their service is truly reliable. I’m grateful to them. You can get in touch with them through their Email; geovcoordinateshacker@proton.meEmail; geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker )Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Ben Richard:
RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF GEO COORDINATES HACKER Cryptocurrency investment halted and turned my life upside down after I invested almost everything that I had worked for all my life. I found myself in a desperate situation after losing 3.7 Million to Bitcoin investment for cryptocurrency. I was depressed and sad until my research took me to a website of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back. I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within a few days. I’m glad I was able to recover my stolen crypto. Their service is truly reliable. I’m grateful to them. You can get in touch with them through their Email; geovcoordinateshacker@proton.meEmail; geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com Telegram ( @Geocoordinateshacker )Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Steve Ice:
THE PAIN AFTER LOSING A HARD EARNED MONEY TO A FAKE ONLINE INVESTMENT. If you are a victim of losing your hard earned money to a fake online investment. Or you have placed your hard-earned money into virtual currencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, putting your faith in the security of the passwords and private keys safeguarding your money. But what occurs if a passcode is forgotten or a hard drive fails? Your cryptocurrency wallet, which may contain hundreds or even millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, vanishes out of sight overnight. It happened to me when I lost $979,000 pounds to a fake Crypto fraudulent company. I was really in disbelief and had to look for a means to recover my funds back. But fear not, for MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER has arrived as a beacon of hope for those who have had their hard-earned crypto stolen. This service is like a superhero for tracking down lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I provided what they required to the experts and all my funds were recovered back by the Hackers. I recommend MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER they are the best ever, for those who have been robbed of their digital fortunes now have a crypto guardian to call upon in their time of need. MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER gives victims the hope that all is not lost. You can also reach them on via Email: Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678 God Bless MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER. I’m forever grateful to God for the successful recovery. I’m so happy I got all my lost money back..
Steve Ice:
THE PAIN AFTER LOSING A HARD EARNED MONEY TO A FAKE ONLINE INVESTMENT. If you are a victim of losing your hard earned money to a fake online investment. Or you have placed your hard-earned money into virtual currencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, putting your faith in the security of the passwords and private keys safeguarding your money. But what occurs if a passcode is forgotten or a hard drive fails? Your cryptocurrency wallet, which may contain hundreds or even millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, vanishes out of sight overnight. It happened to me when I lost $979,000 pounds to a fake Crypto fraudulent company. I was really in disbelief and had to look for a means to recover my funds back. But fear not, for MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER has arrived as a beacon of hope for those who have had their hard-earned crypto stolen. This service is like a superhero for tracking down lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I provided what they required to the experts and all my funds were recovered back by the Hackers. I recommend MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER they are the best ever, for those who have been robbed of their digital fortunes now have a crypto guardian to call upon in their time of need. MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER gives victims the hope that all is not lost. You can also reach them on via Email: Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678 God Bless MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER. I’m forever grateful to God for the successful recovery. I’m so happy I got all my lost money back..