Анхны Ерөнхийлөгч Пунсалмаагийн Очирбат таалал төгссөнтэй холбогдуулан гашуудал зарлана А.Бямбажаргал: Манай станц шөнийн илүүдэл эрчим хүчийг хуримтлуулж, оргил ачааллын үед буцаан нийлүүлж байна Дэлхийн №1 борлуулалттай шар айраг Монголд Орон нутаг болон есөн дүүргийн 1277 ахмад настнууд цахим ур чадвар сайжруулах сургалтад хамрагдлаа Багануурын батарей хуримтлуурын станц төвийн системд 7.566.000 кВт.цаг эрчим хүч нийлүүлээд байна ЦЕГ: 1xBet-ээр иргэдийг залилсан 100 гаруй холбогдогчийг шалгаж байна ЦАГ АГААР: Ихэнх нутгаар цаг агаар тогтуун байна Дэлхийн хаана ч ЮнионПэй картаараа худалдан авалт хийгээд 5 хувийн буцаан олголт аваарай Амралтын өдрүүдэд зарим нутгаар өдөртөө +4 хэм хүрч дулаарна Л.Оюун-Эрдэнэ: Франц Улстай хөрөнгө оруулалтын гэрээ байгуулснаар Засгийн газрын 14 мега төслийн гурав дахь нь хөдөлж байна
ӨНӨӨДӨР: Төрийн өмчийн компаниудыг үр ашигтай ажиллуулах тухай хуулийн хэлэлцүүлэг болно

Нэгдүгээр сарын 7-ны мягмар гарагт болох зарим үйл явдлын тойм:


08:30 цагт: Төрийн өмчийн компаниудыг үр ашигтай ажиллуулах тухай хуулийн хэлэлцүүлэг МХАҮТ-д болно.

11.00 цагт: УИХ-ын Төсвийн байнгын хороо, Боловсрол, соёл, шинжлэх ухаан, спортын Байнгын хорооны хуралдаан тус тус болно.

12.00 цагт: УИХ-ын Аж үйлдвэржилтийн бодлогын Байнгын хорооны хуралдаан болно.

14.00 цагт: УИХ-ын Төрийн байгуулалтын Байнгын хорооны хуралдаан болно.

14.30 цагт: УИХ-ын Эдийн засгийн Байнгын хорооны хуралдаан болно.

15.00 цагт: УИХ-ын Байгаль орчин, хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуйн Байнгын хорооны хуралдаан болно.

-УИХ-ын даргын 2024 оны 59, 82, 92 болон 101 дүгээр захирамжаар байгуулсан ажлын хэсгийн хуралдаан тус тус болно.

-Цэргийн албаны тухай хууль, Батлан хамгаалахын сайдын тушаал, нийслэлийн Засаг даргын захирамжаар 2025 оны цэргийн бүртгэлийг нийслэлийн хэмжээнд нэгдүгээр сарын 6-22-нд зохион байгуулна.

-Нэгдүгээр сарын 25-26-нд болох Нисгэгчгүй нисэх хэрэгсэл жолоодлогын улсын аварга шалгаруулах “Дронокон-2025” тэмцээний бүртгэл энэ сарын 14-нийг хүртэл үргэлжилнэ.

-Анх удаа орон сууц худалдан авсан иргэн, дотоод гадаадын их дээд сургуульд суралцаж буй оюутны сургалтын төлбөрийн хөнгөлөлт эдлэх хүсэлтэй иргэдийн материалыг нэгдүгээр сарын 1-нээс Татварын ерөнхий газарт хүлээн авч байна.

-Энэ сарын 15-ны өдрөөс албан ёсоор улсын дугаарын захиалга авч эхэлнэ. Энэ сарын 14-нийг хүртэлх хугацаанд иргэд, аж ахуйн нэгж, байгууллага тус системтэй танилцаж, өөрийн мэдээллээ шалгаж, нягтлах боломжтой. 

-Марко Поло-700 жилийн ойд зориулсан “Марко поло, Хубилай хаан, монголчууд” тусгай үзэсгэлэн Чингис хаан Үндэсний музейн 9 давхрын үзүүллэгийн танхимд энэ сарын 15-ныг хүртэл гарна.


Орон нутагт:

-УИХ-ын Тамгын газар, Ёс зүй, дэгийн байнгын хороо, Ёс зүйн хорооноос томилсон ажлын хэсэг энэ сарын 5-7-нд Өвөрхангай аймгийн Арвайхээр суманд ажиллаж, Ёс зүйн дэд хороодын үйл ажиллагаа, Төрийн албан хаагчийн ёс зүйн тухай хуулийн хэрэгжилттэй танилцана.

-Булган аймгийн Өсвөрийн шатарчдын аварга шалгаруулах "Цодгор хүү-2025" тэмцээн энэ сарын 6-7-нд болно.


-Завхан аймгийн Өсвөрийн шатарчдын аварга шалгаруулах “Цодгор хүү-2025” тэмцээн энэ сарын 6-7-нд болно.

Сонин хачин
my ex-boyfriend dumped me 7 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don't know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him..... he cast a spell for me and assure me of 15 hours that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr Okosun , you are truly talented and gifted contact him on WhatsApp +2348054338132 Okosunspelltemple33@gmail.com
Mavis Wanczyk:
My name is Mavis Wanczyk, from Chicopee, Massachusetts. I’m excited to share my fantastic experience with Dr. Kachi, who is outstanding at lottery spell casting online. No matter where you are or how challenging your situation might be, Dr. Kachi can help you win in lotteries and other gambling games. If you’ve been searching for winning numbers without success, Dr. Kachi’s spells are known for providing the right numbers and lucky letters. Many have become millionaires after just one game using his powerful spells. I contacted Dr. Kachi shared the necessary details, and he provided me with six Powerball numbers: 6, 7, 16, 23 26, plus the Powerball number 4. I played them and won $758.7 Million! My life has changed dramatically, and I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Kachi. If you’re interested, you can reach Dr. Kachi by text or call at +1 (209) 893-8075, email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com, or visit his website here https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site. Thank you so much, Dr. Kachi.
I recently fell victim to a crypto scam through a fake support link. The scammers tricked me into entering my wallet credentials, and my funds were stolen almost immediately. I felt helpless until I found a recovery platform specializing in tracking lost funds and filing legal actions against scammers. I managed to recover my $8,000 back. They used advanced techniques like exploiting wallet vulnerabilities and filing legal claims to get my money back. If you’ve been scammed, don’t lose hope there are professionals who can help you . Feel free to contact me at marciagarci52 @ gmail. com. I’ll share the agent information that assisted me, due to the community guidline can't post website . Stay cautious and always protect your wallet details.
Patricia Lovick:
How To Recover Your Bitcoin Without Falling Victim To Scams: A Testimony Experience With Capital Crypto Recover Services, Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover Dear Everyone, I would like to take a moment to share my positive experience with Capital Crypto Recover Services. Initially, I was unsure if it would be possible to recover my stolen bitcoins. However, with their expertise and professionalism, I was able to fully recover my funds. Unfortunately, many individuals fall victim to scams in the cryptocurrency space, especially those involving fraudulent investment platforms. However, I advise caution, as not all recovery services are legitimate. I personally lost $273,000 worth of Bitcoin from my Binance account due to a deceptive platform. If you have suffered a similar loss, you may be considering crypto recovery, The Capital Crypto Recover is the most knowledgeable and effective Capital Crypto Recovery Services assisted me in recovering my stolen funds within 24 hours, after getting access to my wallet. Their service was not only prompt but also highly professional and effective, and many recovery services may not be trustworthy. Therefore, I highly recommend Capital Crypto Recover to you. i do always research and see reviews about their service, For assistance finding your misplaced cryptocurrency, get in touch with them, They do their jobs quickly and excellently, Stay safe and vigilant in the crypto world. You can reach them via email at Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com OR Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 his contact: Recovercapital@cyberservices.com
Hello everyone. I want to use this medium to appreciate tunde a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex lover when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now (2weeks ago) He performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I receive a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that wants to contact a spell caster should happily contact tunde now on this email Okosunspelltemple33@gmail.com or you can contact him through his whatsapp line +2348054338132or his
Michael Davenport:
I was recently scammed out of $53,000 by a fraudulent Bitcoin investment scheme, which added significant stress to my already difficult health issues, as I was also facing cancer surgery expenses. Desperate to recover my funds, I spent hours researching and consulting other victims, which led me to discover the excellent reputation of Capital Crypto Recover, I came across a Google post It was only after spending many hours researching and asking other victims for advice that I discovered Capital Crypto Recovery’s stellar reputation. I decided to contact them because of their successful recovery record and encouraging client testimonials. I had no idea that this would be the pivotal moment in my fight against cryptocurrency theft. Thanks to their expert team, I was able to recover my lost cryptocurrency back. The process was intricate, but Capital Crypto Recovery's commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensured a successful outcome. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud. For assistance, contact Recovercapital@cyberservices.com Capital Crypto Recover on Telegram OR Call Number +1 (336)390-6684 via email: Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com
kirsten Britton:
i'm so Excited Dr. Ehiagwina cured me from HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS I know how you all must be feeling with this herpes illness hanging over your heads but I want to assure you that there is a way to get rid of this virus because I have been there and I know how it feels like. I was a victim of herpes for more than two years until a friend of mine who gave me the contact of a herbal doctor that helped save so many lives. my friend ask me to contact him and I did. just within two weeks of contacting him and using his herbal remedy i went to the hospital for test and i tested negative, I got cured of HSV. He is still very available if you need help from him. It might interest you to know that he cure the following: HIV/AIDS, ALS, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Candida, even spell to secure what ever you desire like [lover, job, e.t.c] spiritual fortification. Dr. Ehiagwina email: ehiagwinaherbalhome@gmail.com or whatsapp phone number +2348162084504. you visit his website at https://ehiagwinaherbalhom.wixsite.com/home