Иргэн Б.Цацралын биед халдсан хэргийг шалгаж байна

Төв талбайд нэгдүгээр сарын 11-ээс эхлэн иргэд жагсаж эхэлсэн. Энэ үеэр Эрх чөлөөний эвслийн тэргүүн Б.Цацралын биед халдсан гэх иргэдийг цагдаагийн байгууллагаас олж тогтоосон байна. Энэ талаар ЦЕГ-ын Хэвлэл мэдээллийн төвийн дарга Г.Пүрэвдэлгэр "Цахим орчинд түгээгдсэн гомдол мэдээллийг гэмт хэргийн шинжтэй гэж үзвэл цагдаагийн байгууллагаас шалгадаг. Иргэн Б.Цацралын биед халдсан нэр бүхий иргэдийг Сүхбаатар дүүргийн цагдаагийн газрын нэгдүгээр хэлтэст шалгаж байна" гэв.

Сонин хачин
Hesher Gert:
I’ve been saving in my crypto wallet for years now until my computer was hacked two weeks ago and I lost all my data and crypto assets, I was extremely devastated and lost all hope of ever getting them recovered. I went to the authorities but there was nothing anyone could do to help me recover my crypto assets until I came across a website about Morphohack cybersecurity company, a top-notch security company that has been working effectively and successfully in recovering crypto and data for years, I contacted them about my account, and Morphohack in a space of about 72 hours, was able to recover my crypto assets and my data, and even securing my crypto wallet and data from hackers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I can assure you their success rate is 100%. E-Mail: MORPHOHACK@CYBERSERVICES.COM WhatsApp: (+1) 2 1 3. - 6 7 2.- 4 0 9 2 Website: WWW.MORPHOHACK. WIXSITE. COM/CYBER
Hesher Gert:
I’ve been saving in my crypto wallet for years now until my computer was hacked two weeks ago and I lost all my data and crypto assets, I was extremely devastated and lost all hope of ever getting them recovered. I went to the authorities but there was nothing anyone could do to help me recover my crypto assets until I came across a website about Morphohack cybersecurity company, a top-notch security company that has been working effectively and successfully in recovering crypto and data for years, I contacted them about my account, and Morphohack in a space of about 72 hours, was able to recover my crypto assets and my data, and even securing my crypto wallet and data from hackers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I can assure you their success rate is 100%. E-Mail: MORPHOHACK@CYBERSERVICES.COM WhatsApp: (+1) 2 1 3. - 6 7 2.- 4 0 9 2 Website: WWW.MORPHOHACK. WIXSITE. COM/CYBER
Hesher Gert:
I’ve been saving in my crypto wallet for years now until my computer was hacked two weeks ago and I lost all my data and crypto assets, I was extremely devastated and lost all hope of ever getting them recovered. I went to the authorities but there was nothing anyone could do to help me recover my crypto assets until I came across a website about Morphohack cybersecurity company, a top-notch security company that has been working effectively and successfully in recovering crypto and data for years, I contacted them about my account, and Morphohack in a space of about 72 hours, was able to recover my crypto assets and my data, and even securing my crypto wallet and data from hackers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I can assure you their success rate is 100%. E-Mail: MORPHOHACK@CYBERSERVICES.COM WhatsApp: (+1) 2 1 3. - 6 7 2.- 4 0 9 2 Website: WWW.MORPHOHACK. WIXSITE. COM/CYBER
Hesher Gert:
I’ve been saving in my crypto wallet for years now until my computer was hacked two weeks ago and I lost all my data and crypto assets, I was extremely devastated and lost all hope of ever getting them recovered. I went to the authorities but there was nothing anyone could do to help me recover my crypto assets until I came across a website about Morphohack cybersecurity company, a top-notch security company that has been working effectively and successfully in recovering crypto and data for years, I contacted them about my account, and Morphohack in a space of about 72 hours, was able to recover my crypto assets and my data, and even securing my crypto wallet and data from hackers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I can assure you their success rate is 100%. E-Mail: MORPHOHACK@CYBERSERVICES.COM WhatsApp: (+1) 2 1 3. - 6 7 2.- 4 0 9 2 Website: WWW.MORPHOHACK. WIXSITE. COM/CYBER
Monica Gregg:
HOW I RETRIEVED MY BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF/ THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I just want to take this moment to appreciate the effort made by THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and his team in recovering my scammed Bitcoin . Have you by any means invested your hard earned funds or Bitcoin with an Investment and later you find out you have been duped, and you would wish to track down and recover your funds. I honestly felt that I lost everything I had in my wallet on a platform I invested in. I happened to become a scam victim three months ago, in fact just last year. I became interested in Bitcoin trading and decided to trade $825,000 worth of crypto through an online software company which promised huge returns. Everything went wrong after they transferred all my funds from my coin base wallet to an unknown wallet address. I immediately had a search out on a reliable option to recover the funds back. I came across THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, a specialized Expert in Bitcoin Recovery services. I must say I have good fortune, all my lost funds have been recovered back all thanks to THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I am recommending them to everyone out there who have been defrauded too by these fake Bitcoin investment platforms. You can reach out to them with the information below: at WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com) They helped me when I thought I had nothing left to do.
Monica Gregg:
HOW I RETRIEVED MY BITCOIN WITH THE HELP OF/ THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I just want to take this moment to appreciate the effort made by THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and his team in recovering my scammed Bitcoin . Have you by any means invested your hard earned funds or Bitcoin with an Investment and later you find out you have been duped, and you would wish to track down and recover your funds. I honestly felt that I lost everything I had in my wallet on a platform I invested in. I happened to become a scam victim three months ago, in fact just last year. I became interested in Bitcoin trading and decided to trade $825,000 worth of crypto through an online software company which promised huge returns. Everything went wrong after they transferred all my funds from my coin base wallet to an unknown wallet address. I immediately had a search out on a reliable option to recover the funds back. I came across THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, a specialized Expert in Bitcoin Recovery services. I must say I have good fortune, all my lost funds have been recovered back all thanks to THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I am recommending them to everyone out there who have been defrauded too by these fake Bitcoin investment platforms. You can reach out to them with the information below: at WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com) They helped me when I thought I had nothing left to do.
Hellen Morgan:
HOW I RECOVERED MY BITCOIN FROM ONLINE SCAMMERS While I was trading Bitcoin. I unexpectedly lost my $715,000. I was frustrated and had no idea on how to recover my lost funds. I did an extensive research on how to recover stolen Bitcoin funds and I came across several referrals and Ads that had gotten help from THE HACK ANGELS. I made contact and I was actually very impressed with the service that I got. I’m super grateful for their assistance and top-notch service. I received my money back within 48 hours. When trying to recover money taken by bitcoin thieves, THE HACK ANGELS is a hacking expert that should not be minimized They are the best cryptocurrency recovery platform out there. If you ever run into such a nerve racking situation don't stress out just contact THE HACK ANGELS : WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Hellen Morgan:
HOW I RECOVERED MY BITCOIN FROM ONLINE SCAMMERS While I was trading Bitcoin. I unexpectedly lost my $715,000. I was frustrated and had no idea on how to recover my lost funds. I did an extensive research on how to recover stolen Bitcoin funds and I came across several referrals and Ads that had gotten help from THE HACK ANGELS. I made contact and I was actually very impressed with the service that I got. I’m super grateful for their assistance and top-notch service. I received my money back within 48 hours. When trying to recover money taken by bitcoin thieves, THE HACK ANGELS is a hacking expert that should not be minimized They are the best cryptocurrency recovery platform out there. If you ever run into such a nerve racking situation don't stress out just contact THE HACK ANGELS : WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Hellen Morgan:
HOW I RECOVERED MY BITCOIN FROM ONLINE SCAMMERS While I was trading Bitcoin. I unexpectedly lost my $715,000. I was frustrated and had no idea on how to recover my lost funds. I did an extensive research on how to recover stolen Bitcoin funds and I came across several referrals and Ads that had gotten help from THE HACK ANGELS. I made contact and I was actually very impressed with the service that I got. I’m super grateful for their assistance and top-notch service. I received my money back within 48 hours. When trying to recover money taken by bitcoin thieves, THE HACK ANGELS is a hacking expert that should not be minimized They are the best cryptocurrency recovery platform out there. If you ever run into such a nerve racking situation don't stress out just contact THE HACK ANGELS : WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
I have been suffering from Human papillomavirus (HPV) for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr easbnam on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Human papillomavirus (HPV) My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from (HPV) or any other disease you can contact Dr easbnam. HIS WHATSAPP NUMBER: +2348106600701 EMAIL: dreasbnamrootandherbal1@gmail.com
Өдрийн мэнд, бүгдээрээ, Намайг Төмөрчөдөрийн Цогбаяр гэдэг бөгөөд нэг бөөрөө Адитиа Прадхан эмнэлэгт зарсны дараа хэрхэн баяжсан тухайгаа хуваалцах гэсэн юм. Би бөөрөө зарах нэр хүндтэй эмнэлэг хайж олон жил ядуу зүдүү тэмцэж байсан. Эцэст нь дотны найз маань намайг ADITYA эмнэлэгтэй танилцуулахад би бөөрөө 780 мянган доллараар (долоон зуун наян мянган доллар) зарсан. Хэрэв та бөөрөө борлуулах найдвартай газар хайж байгаа бол DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар ADITYA эмнэлэгтэй холбоо барихыг зөвлөж байна. Заримдаа байгаа зүйлдээ зөв алхам хийх нь таны сайн сайхан байдлыг хадгалахын зэрэгцээ танд хэрэгтэй өөрчлөлтийг авчрах болно гэдгийг санаарай.
Өдрийн мэнд, бүгдээрээ, Намайг Төмөрчөдөрийн Цогбаяр гэдэг бөгөөд нэг бөөрөө Адитиа Прадхан эмнэлэгт зарсны дараа хэрхэн баяжсан тухайгаа хуваалцах гэсэн юм. Би бөөрөө зарах нэр хүндтэй эмнэлэг хайж олон жил ядуу зүдүү тэмцэж байсан. Эцэст нь дотны найз маань намайг ADITYA эмнэлэгтэй танилцуулахад би бөөрөө 780 мянган доллараар (долоон зуун наян мянган доллар) зарсан. Хэрэв та бөөрөө борлуулах найдвартай газар хайж байгаа бол DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар ADITYA эмнэлэгтэй холбоо барихыг зөвлөж байна. Заримдаа байгаа зүйлдээ зөв алхам хийх нь таны сайн сайхан байдлыг хадгалахын зэрэгцээ танд хэрэгтэй өөрчлөлтийг авчрах болно гэдгийг санаарай.
YOU CAN RECOVER YOUR STOLEN FUNDS WITH THE HELP OF // THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT The most reputable and trustworthy recovery experts available today. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. They can help you retrieve your stolen crypto funds. They have technical expertise resources to track down and recover lost crypto. I had lost £973,000 to fraud and at first I thought it was gone for good. I went online to search for recovery, I saw numerous testimonies regarding THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and how they had assisted other people in getting their money back. I didn’t hesitate to contact them, in just a few days the experts returned all my money. They said that they did an investigation and returned my money immediately. They can never ask you for any upfront payment. They can help you track your funds. They are cyber security experts doing great jobs out there. Be wise and do your research to avoid being scammed again. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams, contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT through their WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
YOU CAN RECOVER YOUR STOLEN FUNDS WITH THE HELP OF // THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT The most reputable and trustworthy recovery experts available today. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. They can help you retrieve your stolen crypto funds. They have technical expertise resources to track down and recover lost crypto. I had lost £973,000 to fraud and at first I thought it was gone for good. I went online to search for recovery, I saw numerous testimonies regarding THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and how they had assisted other people in getting their money back. I didn’t hesitate to contact them, in just a few days the experts returned all my money. They said that they did an investigation and returned my money immediately. They can never ask you for any upfront payment. They can help you track your funds. They are cyber security experts doing great jobs out there. Be wise and do your research to avoid being scammed again. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams, contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT through their WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
YOU CAN RECOVER YOUR STOLEN FUNDS WITH THE HELP OF // THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT The most reputable and trustworthy recovery experts available today. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. They can help you retrieve your stolen crypto funds. They have technical expertise resources to track down and recover lost crypto. I had lost £973,000 to fraud and at first I thought it was gone for good. I went online to search for recovery, I saw numerous testimonies regarding THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and how they had assisted other people in getting their money back. I didn’t hesitate to contact them, in just a few days the experts returned all my money. They said that they did an investigation and returned my money immediately. They can never ask you for any upfront payment. They can help you track your funds. They are cyber security experts doing great jobs out there. Be wise and do your research to avoid being scammed again. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams, contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT through their WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Michael Davenport:
I was recently scammed out of $53,000 by a fraudulent Bitcoin investment scheme, which added significant stress to my already difficult health issues, as I was also facing cancer surgery expenses. Desperate to recover my funds, I spent hours researching and consulting other victims, which led me to discover the excellent reputation of Capital Crypto Recover, I came across a Google post It was only after spending many hours researching and asking other victims for advice that I discovered Capital Crypto Recovery’s stellar reputation. I decided to contact them because of their successful recovery record and encouraging client testimonials. I had no idea that this would be the pivotal moment in my fight against cryptocurrency theft. Thanks to their expert team, I was able to recover my lost cryptocurrency back. The process was intricate, but Capital Crypto Recovery's commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensured a successful outcome. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud. For assistance, contact Recovercapital@cyberservices.com Capital Crypto Recover on Telegram OR Call Number +1 (336)390-6684 via email: Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com
How Do l Get My Money From Amazon Lost Recovery masters The Lost Recovery Masters is a team of experienced Amazon Recovery Experts currently collecting funds back to all Amazon s,c,a,m victims. Anyone that has fallen prey to these fake online imposters and bogus investments Schemes contact Lost Recovery Masters and explain your situation; They will assist you in all Amazon s,c,a,m,s retrieval funds, bitcoin wallets reclaiming, investment s,c,a,m, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber – attacks. Reach out to them through their: Call/Whatsapp : +44(7-5-3-7-1-0-5-9-2-1) Email: Support@lostrecoverymasters.com Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/
How Do l Get My Money From Amazon Lost Recovery masters The Lost Recovery Masters is a team of experienced Amazon Recovery Experts currently collecting funds back to all Amazon s,c,a,m victims. Anyone that has fallen prey to these fake online imposters and bogus investments Schemes contact Lost Recovery Masters and explain your situation; They will assist you in all Amazon s,c,a,m,s retrieval funds, bitcoin wallets reclaiming, investment s,c,a,m, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber – attacks. Reach out to them through their: Call/Whatsapp : +44(7-5-3-7-1-0-5-9-2-1) Email: Support@lostrecoverymasters.com Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/
How Do l Get My Money From Amazon Lost Recovery masters The Lost Recovery Masters is a team of experienced Amazon Recovery Experts currently collecting funds back to all Amazon s,c,a,m victims. Anyone that has fallen prey to these fake online imposters and bogus investments Schemes contact Lost Recovery Masters and explain your situation; They will assist you in all Amazon s,c,a,m,s retrieval funds, bitcoin wallets reclaiming, investment s,c,a,m, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber – attacks. Reach out to them through their: Call/Whatsapp : +44(7-5-3-7-1-0-5-9-2-1) Email: Support@lostrecoverymasters.com Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/
Lisa Nayna Tumelo:
The Great Dr.OLIHA Herbal medicine is a good or perfect cure remedy for HIV Virus, I was diagnosed of HIV for almost 5 years, everyday i am always on research looking for a perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease as i always knew that what we need for our health is right here on earth though the scientist say there is know cure for this disease,on my search I saw some different testimony on how Dr. OLIHA has been able to cure HIV with is herbal medicine. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him and he guided me on how to purchase the medicine. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. OLIHA herbal medicine, I’m very grateful to Dr. OLIHA, reach him now on (oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail.com ) or you can also call him on +2349038382931.visit him website https://olihamiraclemedici.wixsite.com/drolihamiraclemedici Dr. OLIHA Also Cures: 1. HIV/AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B 6. chronic pancreatic 7. Emphysema 8. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 9. Asthma 10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma 11. Diabetes 12.CHRONIC PANCREATIC 13.CHLAMYDIA 14.ZIKA VIRUS